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Watch: Tucker’s explosive interview with Devon Archer, admits Joe ‘knew business partners’ were on call |

Tucker Carlson dropped a shocking interview with Devon Archer on Wednesday, two days after Hunter Biden’s former partner testified before Congress in which he admitted that he and Hunter Biden essentially traded under Biden’s name, but also claimed that “the great” was “. t involved.

Tucker begins by asking Archer if he thinks Hunter would have been successful in his business endeavors as well if he wasn’t the vice president’s son. Archer treaded a little carefully at first, reflecting on Hunter’s law school background, but then admitted:

“The Biden brand adds a lot of power when your father is the vice president.”

Archer also confirmed “yes, I can definitely say that,” then Vice President Biden knew there were officials in the room when he got on the speaker with Hunter Biden, all 20 times that Archer can remember.


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