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US general predicts 2025 military war with China over Taiwan

US general predicts 2025 military war with China over Taiwan

A four-star US Air Force general predicts war with China in 2025.

The grim prediction of war within two years between the global powers was made by General Mike Minihan, head of the Air Mobility Command.

Air Mobility Command “provides the ability to deploy U.S. armed forces anywhere in the world within hours and help sustain them in a conflict.” Air Mobility Command has nearly 50,000 service members and nearly 500 aircraft.

Minihan believes that China will try to invade Taiwan in 2025 because the United States will be distracted by the 2024 presidential election.

“I hope I’m wrong. My gut tells me we’re going to fight in 2025,” Minihan wrote in the memo obtained by NBC News.

“[Chinese President] Xi [Jinping] secured his third term and set up his war council in October 2022,” Minihan said in the memo forward-dated to Feb. 1.

“Taiwan’s presidential election is in 2024 and will give Xi a reason,” the four-star general continued. “[The] The US presidential election is in 2024 and will offer Xi a distracted America. Xi’s team, reason and opportunity are aligned for 2025.”

Minihan told members of the US military that they must be prepared to “deter and, if necessary, defeat China.”

Minihan noted that war against China will require “a joint force maneuver team that is fortified, ready, integrated and ready to fight and win within the first island chain.”

Minihan ordered his Air Force commanders to report to him by February 28 on how they were preparing for war against China.

General insinuations that drones would be a critical weapon in a war against China. It directs KC-135 units to develop methods to “deliver 100 UAVs of commercial size and type from a single aircraft.”

TSgt. Air Mobility Command spokesman Zachary Boyer confirmed to The Drive that the document is “authentic.”

“This is an authentic internal memorandum from General Minihan to his subordinate command teams,” the statement said. “His order builds on last year’s foundational efforts by Air Mobility Command to prepare Air Mobility Forces for future conflicts, should deterrence fail.”

A defense official told Fox News that Minihan’s remarks “are not representative of the department’s view on China.”

u201cNew window just droppedu201d

— Mike Black (@MikeBlack) 1674828799

The press secretary of the Department of Defense Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder said in a statement: “The National Defense Strategy makes clear that China is the pace challenge for the Department of Defense and our focus continues to work alongside allies and partners to preserve an Indo- Peaceful peaceful, free and open.”

Earlier this month, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin acknowledged that China has “increased air activity in the straits, we’ve seen increased surface ship activity around Taiwan.” He added: “But whether or not that means an invasion is imminent, you know, I seriously doubt it.”

In September, President Joe Biden said he would send US troops to defend Taiwan “if, in fact, there was an unprecedented attack” by China.

Xi has made it clear that his intention is to reunify Taiwan with mainland China, even if it requires military force for an invasion.

In January 2019, Xi said, “Reunification is the historical trend and the right path. Taiwan’s independence is a reversal of history and a dead end.”

“We make no promise to renounce the use of force and reserve the option to use all necessary means,” Xi said, adding that China would not be deterred by any “external interference.”

In October 2021, Xi stated: “Taiwan’s independence separatism is the biggest obstacle to achieving the reunification of the motherland and the most serious hidden danger to national rejuvenation.”

“No one should underestimate the firm determination, firm will and strong ability of the Chinese people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity,” Xi said. “The historic task of complete reunification of the motherland must be accomplished, and it will definitely be accomplished.”

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