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US cities are powder kegs ready to explode with chaos fueled by migrant policies

Riots in LA in 2020. Image source.

for Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Could we soon see riots break out in the United States in major urban areas, as we saw in the summer of 2020, or even worse?

With the dramatic influx of migrants crossing the U.S. border from Mexico in recent months, many transported to major cities, riots and civil unrest are not only likely, but almost inevitable because of the policy of the US government that is funding this crisis. .

A freelance journalist known as “Sav Says” just released a video about the migrant crisis in New York City, where she reports that 50% of New York’s hotels are now full of migrants.

He interviewed a whistleblower at one such hotel, the ROW NYC, which is just a block from Times Square and currently houses more than 5,000 migrants in rooms that used to rent for $500 a night.

Watch this shocking 14-minute report:

This is a very disturbing report. These migrants have more rights and privileges than US citizens, including the right to refuse vaccinations before being boarded at the hotel, and the whistleblower claimed that most of these migrants refuse vaccinations.

But all their medical needs are provided free of charge at local hospitals, as well as their transportation. The complainant stated that 2-3 babies are born at the hotel per week and are offered free car seats and cribs.

In addition to a free hotel room, they receive free cleaning and laundry services and three free meals a day.

The state of this large hotel in New York, according to the complainant, is horrible, and is characterized by drunken orgies and minors who are sometimes left alone for days.

The complainant has also stated that the hotel’s infrastructure is deteriorating and that the hotel is in danger of collapsing. But city officials are too afraid to evacuate the migrants:

All agencies for this hotel have said they are waiting for it to collapse. But the city does not want to start the process to remove them because there are 5000 people.

So a riot will start, or during the riot the hotel will collapse, because they don’t want to leave the hotel. They love the location. Who wouldn’t like to live free next to Times Square?

Everyone staying at the hotel is in this group chat, so when you try to move not just a floor, when you try to move a room, they’ll put it in the chat and the word will get out. to spread throughout the hotel.

And they won’t go easy, they won’t go easy or quiet. New York City doesn’t know how to handle any of this.

This situation exists not only in New York, but across the United States in almost every major city.

What do you think will happen when the banks fail and the economy collapses, and when not only do these freebies for migrants end, but when non-migrants can’t even access their own cash in their accounts banks and cashiers stop? operation?

I personally wouldn’t want to be in any major city when that happens…

The conservative Christian right is misleading people about the solutions to the violence in America’s cities

When it comes to how to solve the problem of violence and civil unrest in American cities, the conservative Christian Right is mostly unified in what they believe the problems and solutions are: it’s all the fault of “liberals” and these liberal policies in “the cities run by the Democrats”.

I see this same mantra over and over in my newsfeed every day, blaming everything on “liberals and Democrats” in certain cities that label themselves as “Democrat-run” cities.

First of all, every big city in the US it is run by “Democrats” or liberals, regardless of which state this city is a part of, “red or blue”.

So why do we really need to use the bogus adjective “led by Democrats” to refer to them?

The top 10 US cities by population have Democratic mayors, with the exception of San Antonio, which has an “independent” mayor, but whose political views are as “liberal” as Democrats. (Source.)

You have to go down the list to cities under 1 million before a few “Republican” mayors appear, but even in most of those cases those “Republican” mayors don’t differ much from “Democrat” mayors “.

Miami Mayor Francis Xavier Suarez is one example, as he is a registered Republican, but he is also a Cuban who identifies with the Latino community and did not support DeSantis for governor, or Trump as to president, and is therefore frequently attacked by “Conservatives”. (Source.)

One of the most absurd articles I read this week in my news feed was an article titled: “How to solve violence in the USA? Take out the Democrat-run cities and bring back the asylums“.

The solution is simple and two-fold: get rid of the left-wing leaders in big cities who release violent repeat offenders, and bring back mental health facilities to lock up the crazy if necessary. This is the ONLY WAY to stop the avalanche of violent crime that awaits Americans in the coming years.

Wow! So the conservative Christian Right’s solution is to replace the democratically elected mayors of ALL major cities in the US and replace them with “conservatives”, I guess by dictatorial decree and force, which bypasses elections, as this it’s the only way for something like that. it could never work.

Then go back to the insane asylums and start locking up “the crazy”, which of course needs to be defined as to who is “crazy” and who isn’t, probably by newly appointed “conservative” mayors.

Unbelievable! This gives the phrase “Let’s go to Brandon” a whole new meaning…

This kind of immature behavior by the right reminds me of Trump’s last days in office, where the conservative Christian right was begging Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act and send federal military troops into American cities, effectively under martial law.

Here’s what I wrote in November 2020, when Trump had just fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper:

Trump supporters, including many in the alternative media, see Esper’s firing as a positive move, apparently wanting to see our cities become a military zone, as long as their man “wins” the White House.

Among those on the “right,” the thinking seems to be that there was massive voter fraud and that ultimately the Supreme Court will hear cases about that fraud and ultimately return the Presidency to Trump, and then Trump will revoke. any opposition using the army and the “Insurrection Act”.

And while there appears to be massive fraud in this election, do we really want our cities militarized, with martial law potentially in place? Once the military takes over our cities, does anyone honestly expect that they will eventually return to their bases and everything will go back to “normal”?

I don’t think Trump supporters are asking the right questions right now. And that’s probably because they’re starting from a rather different basic assumption than mine.

Trump supporters, even after watching Trump for almost 4 years, still seem to think that Trump runs the country.

Those of us who choose not to play these political games, choosing one side over the other, start with a very different presupposition.

And that presupposition is that Trump does NOT run the country, but basically does what he is told to do, and that the political theater that plays out every day on Prime Time TV is no different than any other script written by to the consumption of the media, either. be it the corporate news actors and their “shows” on television, or the Hollywood-based entertainment industry that also writes its scripts to be followed by professional actors.

This is what America has become accustomed to. It’s all basically a big media show, with a select few at the top writing the scripts for everyone to follow, including Donald Trump, who himself came out of the entertainment industry and knows how to play this game very well. (Full article.)

As I have written for years, the problems and solutions for our country today are not political, but spiritual. There is REAL evil in this world, but the source of that evil is neither political nor human.

Because our struggle is not against flesh and bloodbut against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Therefore put on the whole armor of God, that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand, and having done all, to keep. (Ephesians 6:12-13)

We have no chance of fighting the evil that is taking over this country if we continue to follow stupid political ideologies and fight among ourselves. All the top politicians in this country serve their puppeteers who control Wall Street and the banks, and these corporations and banks are our true enemies who serve their master, where “the love of money is the root of all bad”. (1 Timothy 6:10)

These migrant policies are financially benefiting many private contractors who take taxpayer money to keep this whole evil system running, and these private corporations, who also traffic children across the border, continue to operate regardless of who is in charge or what political party. they belong

Confound the wicked, Lord, confound their speech, for I see violence and strife in the city. Day and night they roam around its walls; malice and abuse are within.

Destructive forces are at work in the city; threats and lies never leave their streets.

If an enemy insulted me, I could bear it; if an enemy rose up against me, I could hide from him.

But you are a man like me, my companion, my intimate friend, with whom I once enjoyed sweet fellowship as we walked with the multitude to the house of God.

Let death take my enemies by surprise; let them go down alive to the grave, because evil finds shelter among them.

But I call on God, and the Lord saves me. In the evening, in the morning, and at noon, I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice.

He rescues me unscathed from the battle waged against me, even though many oppose me. (Psalms 55:9-18)

See also:

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Posted on June 3, 2023

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