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Tuned into Steak for Breakfast today and found myself nodding along aggressively with the first guest. Then I remembered… it was me 😏

Tuned into Steak for Breakfast today and found myself nodding along aggressively with the first guest. Then I remembered… it was me 😏

Tuned into Steak for Breakfast today and found myself nodding along aggressively with the first guest. Then I remembered… it was me 😏

Have you ever had one of those moments where you stumble upon something you wrote or said in the past and it feels like someone else entirely? That’s exactly what happened to me this morning as I tuned in to Steak for Breakfast, a podcast I co-host with some fantastic folks in the conservative community.

As I listened intently to our first guest, nodding along in agreement with everything they said, it slowly dawned on me that I was the one being interviewed. It’s a surreal feeling, hearing your own voice spout wisdom (or, in my case, try to sound intelligent) without any memory of it.

But as I continued to listen, I also felt a sense of pride in what we’ve built with Steak for Breakfast. Our podcast is a place where we can have open and honest discussions about politics and culture without fear of censorship or cancel culture. We bring on guests from all walks of life, all with unique perspectives and ideas, and we’re not afraid to challenge each other’s beliefs.

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind of producing content, but moments like this serve as a reminder of why we started doing this in the first place. It’s about amplifying voices that may not always be heard in mainstream media, and creating a community of like-minded individuals who value free speech and individual liberties.

So, while it may have been a bit strange to find myself as the guest on my own podcast, it was also a reminder of the importance and impact of the work we’re doing. And who knows, maybe I’ll even nod along with myself more often in the future.

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