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Tulsi Gabbard Asked If She’d Be VP on GOP Ticket in 2024: ‘I Think About It Every Day’

Tulsi Gabbard Asked If She’d Be VP on GOP Ticket in 2024: ‘I Think About It Every Day’

Title: Tulsi Gabbard Asked If She’d Be VP on GOP Ticket in 2024: ‘I Think About It Every Day’


In a surprising statement, former Democratic congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard recently expressed that she contemplates the idea of joining the GOP ticket as Vice President in the 2024 election. Gabbard, known for her progressive stances and unsuccessful bid for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020, hinted at a possible departure from her party’s ranks. Although the dynamic political landscape often witnesses party-switching or defections, Gabbard’s potential role as Republican Vice Presidential candidate raises eyebrows as political alliances are questioned and recalibrated.

Gabbard’s Remarks and Potential Implications:

When asked about the prospect of serving as the Republican Vice President in 2024, the former Hawaii representative reportedly admitted, “I think about it every day.” While such an assertion can simply be interpreted as a response to a hypothetical question, it is not uncommon for politicians to consider their future alliances carefully.

However, Gabbard’s association with the GOP – the party with ideological differences and historically opposed policy stances – may raise concerns about her motives, principles, and dedication to progressive causes she has championed throughout her career. The move would inevitably alienate some members of the Democratic Party and progressives who have supported her in the past.

Potential Factors Influencing Gabbard’s Thoughts:

Several factors could be influencing Gabbard’s contemplation of a GOP Vice Presidential role. Firstly, her criticism of the Democratic establishment during her presidential campaign struck a chord with certain sections of Republicans. Gabbard’s anti-interventionist foreign policy stance and willingness to challenge party orthodoxy drew attention and garnered her a degree of bipartisan appeal.

Furthermore, Gabbard’s own experience embodies a unique mix of populist ideas that may resonate with certain factions of conservatives. Her focus on working-class issues, including opposition to wasteful military spending, might attract elements within the Republican base who champion fiscal conservatism and limited government.

Implications for the GOP and Democratic Party:

If Gabbard were to accept a hypothetical invitation to assume the Vice Presidential role on the GOP ticket in 2024, the implications for both parties would be significant. While Gabbard has previously mentioned her intention to shift some of her focus to grassroots activism, making such a prominent move to an opposing party would undoubtedly undermine her progressive credentials.

For the Republican Party, Gabbard’s inclusion on the ticket could potentially broaden its appeal and attract some disillusioned Democrats, independents, or progressive-leaning voters. However, it may also lead to internal divisions as more conservative members may question the alignment of their party with a politician who espouses progressive policies on certain issues.


Tulsi Gabbard’s recent comments about contemplating a hypothetical Vice Presidential role on the GOP ticket for the 2024 election have sparked intrigue and debate. As a prominent progressive within Democratic circles, her potential alignment with the Republican Party raises questions regarding her ideological consistency and the motivations behind such a move.

As speculation continues, both parties will undoubtedly navigate the implications and consequences of this hypothetical scenario. Whether Gabbard ultimately embraces this opportunity or remains committed to her progressive ideals, the political landscape may forever be altered, signaling potential realignments and shifts in the dynamics of American politics.

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