Forget the Biden circus: The real headline story today is a pro-growth Trump “America First” platform a week before the Milwaukee convention.
Right now, the main frenzy in the press is whether President Biden will drop out of the race. For what it's worth, I don't think it does.
In the words of Mr. Biden, “The Lord Almighty will not come.” Let me add: you can bet on it.
All this Biden speculation, however, should not be allowed to overshadow the fact that the Republican National Committee, a week before the convention in Milwaukee, has just adopted and released President Trump's 2024 Republican Party platform.
That's it for today real story of the holder. The platform carries the same kind of message that Trump has been successfully speaking for the past few years.
He is pro-growth and pro-opportunity, aiming to close the southern border and restore an “America First” position in the world. Peace through strength.
The document is short, concise and straight to the point.
Some of the highlights include tax cuts for workers and no tax on tips. Stop Bidenflation. Restoration of the energy domain. End unfair trade agreements.
Keeping the dollar as the world's reserve currency, this is especially important for high growth and low prices, will Wall Street finally listen?
Restore America's status as the world's dominant energy producer and cancel the electric vehicle mandate. Reducing all costly and onerous regulations.
Seal the border, stop the invasion of illegal migrants and deport the illegals.
Keeping men out of women's sports and radical, racially and sexually awakened politics out of schools.
The platform also claims, and I quote, “to unite our country by taking it to new heights and record of success.”
Here are the message points that proved so popular in the campaign.
These are exactly the issues Trump has used to organize a working-class coalition of black Americans, Hispanics, Asians, young people and women.
These were policies to successfully build Trump's first term as president. Policies that Art Laffer has described as one of the best policies of any first-term president.
Tax cuts, deregulation, energy independence, excellent Supreme Court elections, good trade deals, strong national security, including the Abraham Accords.
Today, in the midst of Biden's 20 percent inflation, we have an affordability crisis with falling real wages and high credit card and mortgage borrowing costs, domestic crime, and the public safety ravages of the Mr. Biden's illegal immigration catastrophe and fires abroad; most people know they were better off four or five years ago.
This is Trump's message. Success is the best thing that unites.
From the issue of Mr. Kudlow on Fox Business Network.