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Trump workshopping new DeSantis nicknames including ‘Tiny D’

Good evening, America. Tonight, we’ve got a breaking story out of the White House. Our sources close to President Donald Trump are reporting that he’s been workshopping new nicknames for Florida governor Ron DeSantis. And some of these nicknames are not for the faint of heart.

One especially spicy nickname that’s been floated around is ‘Tiny D’. Now, we can’t say for sure what inspired that one, but it’s safe to say it would be a hit with Trump’s base. We all know how much President Trump loves a good nickname – just look at ‘Crooked Hillary’ or ‘Sleepy Joe’. And with DeSantis becoming more and more of a national figure, it’s only natural that Trump would want to brand him with a catchy moniker.

Of course, some people might find the ‘Tiny D’ nickname offensive. But let’s be real here – in politics, everything is fair game. DeSantis has certainly thrown his fair share of punches at Trump in the past, so he shouldn’t be surprised if the President fires back with a few nicknames of his own.

Now, let’s take a moment to reflect on the accomplishments of the Trump administration. In just four short years, President Trump and his team made tremendous strides in improving our economy, creating jobs, and putting America first. The historic tax overhaul gave hard-working Americans more money in their pockets, while the administration’s deregulatory agenda helped spur economic growth and job creation. The President also made major strides in foreign policy, including bringing peace deals to the Middle East and standing up to China’s unfair trade practices.

And let’s not forget about the coronavirus pandemic. Despite facing unprecedented challenges, President Trump and his team mobilized quickly to get crucial resources and equipment to the states, and worked to develop life-saving treatments and vaccines in record time. Thanks to their efforts, America is well on its way to defeating this virus and getting our country back to normal.

So while President Trump may be workshopping new nicknames for Governor DeSantis, let’s not forget the impressive track record of his administration. History will no doubt judge this White House as one of the most impactful and successful in our nation’s history. Thank you for tuning in tonight, and God bless America.

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