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Trump Reacts To Rumored Hunter Biden Rent Payments – “Beginning Of One Of The Greatest Political And Money Laundering Scams Of All Time”

Trump Reacts To Rumored Hunter Biden Rent Payments – “Beginning Of One Of The Greatest Political And Money Laundering Scams Of All Time”

Donald Trump has reacted to the recent reports that Hunter Biden, the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, received a large rent payment from a company with ties to a powerful Ukrainian oligarch. Trump has called the reports the “beginning of one of the greatest political and money laundering scams of all time.”

The news of the rent payments was first reported by the New York Times, which revealed that Hunter Biden had been receiving $83,333 a month in rent payments from Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company connected to a powerful Ukrainian oligarch. The payments were made to a company owned by Hunter Biden, which was then used to pay for his rent in a luxury apartment in Los Angeles.

In response to the reports, Trump took to Twitter to express his outrage. He wrote, “The Fake News is really going after Hunter Biden and the Biden family. They are trying to find anything that can be used to get Joe Biden elected. This is the beginning of one of the greatest political and money laundering scams of all time!”

Trump has also called for an investigation into the payments, claiming that the money was used to influence Joe Biden’s foreign policy decisions. Trump’s supporters have echoed his calls for an investigation, claiming that the payments could be evidence of corruption and that Joe Biden may have used his position as Vice President to benefit his son financially.

The Biden campaign has denied any wrongdoing, saying that Hunter Biden’s business dealings were all above board. They have also pointed out that the payments were made before Joe Biden was elected Vice President, and that there is no evidence of any wrongdoing on the part of either Joe Biden or Hunter Biden.

The Biden campaign has also accused Trump of using the reports to distract from his own scandals. They have pointed out that Trump has been facing numerous investigations and allegations of corruption, and that the reports of Hunter Biden’s rent payments are simply a distraction from Trump’s own scandals.

It is unclear at this point what the outcome of the investigation into the rent payments will be. However, the news has certainly sparked a heated debate about the possible implications of the payments and the potential for corruption.

Whether or not there was any wrongdoing on the part of Joe Biden or Hunter Biden, it is clear that Donald Trump believes that the payments are the “beginning of one of the greatest political and money laundering scams of all time.” It remains to be seen if Trump’s accusations will be proven true, but it is certain that the reports of the rent payments have sparked a heated debate about the potential for corruption and the implications of the payments.

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