After a disheveled, stressed-out, tired-looking White House press secretary informed the press that President Biden's video clips were nothing more than “cheap fakes,” Fox & Friends applauded.
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre he made the claim about clips of Biden appearing dazed and freezing in some of them. According to her, we should not believe our lying eyes but what the administration tells us. They claim the clips are selectively edited to make Biden look bad.
So now it's things we see along with what he says.
– Petey Jones (equal to the truth) (@petejonesintx) June 17, 2024
Somehow, the White House believes that playing longer clips will give more context to the president's deteriorating condition. In reality, longer clips would almost certainly highlight Biden's plight even more, as it did. last week when the White House claimed “misinformation” about a clip of Biden that appeared to be lost overseas.
The Fox & Friends co-hosts pointed out that the White House's aggressive attacks on Biden video clips, which the left has called “cheap fakes,” is political manipulation that claims there's nothing wrong with the president. The damning videos have triggered the left's attack mode considering the presidential election is less than five months away.
“They do it in bad faith. And, some of your news organizations have, they've been very clear, they've emphasized that these right-wing, right-wing critics of the president have a credibility problem because fact-checkers have repeatedly caught them pushing disinformation, misinformation,” Jean -Pierre charged, spitting out talking points that the left used incessantly.
Fox News Senior White House Correspondent Peter Doocy nailed the excuses and gaslighting at Fox News: “During yesterday's briefing, however, he referred to 'cheap fakes' and also deep fakes while discarding these clips. But there is an important difference. A deepfake is if someone uses AI or some other software to change the things President Biden does or says. A cheap fake is only if a clip is cut shorter than they want , or from an angle they don't like. However, both are the same, as both are used as scapegoat terms, since this White House doesn't want people to think that the things that they see on social networks are what they seem.”
(Video credit: Fox News)
“[T]Here's something about the fact that many of these clips lack context. That doesn't mean the things people see aren't happening. Like, you see something, these clips aren't being manipulated with AI. There is, there is, but there is always context. The thing is, every video you see on the internet is edited or cropped in some way, unless you're watching an entire live stream of something played from beginning to end. Everything cuts off at some point. And White House officials just want the clips to be much longer so people can see much more context,” Doocy added.
On Fox & Friends, co-host Lawrence Jones noted that in their family, an older member who is no longer there holds their hand to guide them and make sure they stay safe.
Co-host Ainsley Earhardt conceded that the videos circulating about Biden will influence some voters, but noted the significant differences between Biden and Trump: “If you don't know anything about politics and watch these videos, then the White House is trying to say manipulation. If you watch these videos and you don't know anything about politics, you can't help but see that you're right,” he said. “Those are not lying eyes. A video doesn't lie. It's not dancing, it's being pulled. Here's the thing when you're choosing between the two presidents. That's going to be a factor. It just is.”
(Video credit: Fox News)
Left says Biden didn't stray during G7 skydiving event in Italy. They claim that he went to see one of the parachutists who was preparing his slide. But when we watch the full video this is not obvious. What can be agreed is that Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni gently guided the president back to the group, as he was the only one in reverse.
Then there are the videos of Obama taking a look at Biden offstage at a fundraiser and the president stiffly celebrating Juneteenth. Americans believe what they see when it comes to the frailty of the president.
The real sore spot is the fact that people are actually watching Biden's moves and responses and it's not flattering to his image or the Democratic Party. That's why they they want to censor the clips in social networks.
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