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The winner of the award for the best actress with gender confusion is suing a French politician for calling him a man

(LifeSiteNews) — Karla Sofía Gascón is a man and looks a lot like one. She identifies, however, as a woman, and also tries to “present” herself as a woman. The Spanish actor has appeared in a number of TV shows and movies, mostly minor, but since our culture currently celebrates cheating, Gascón received the award for best actress along with three of her co-stars at the Cannes Film Festival for his role in Emilia Perez.

The press celebrated the award as a win for everyone, announcing that Gascón is “the first openly trans actor to win a major award at Cannes.” Gascón tearfully dedicated the award to “all trans people who suffer,” prompting further praise from the press and celebration from LGBT groups.

“Tomorrow, there will be a lot of comments from terrible people saying the same things about all of us trans people,” she said. “But I want to end with a message of hope. All of them, like Emilia Pérez, we all have the opportunity to change for the better, to be better people”. In case anyone missed his encouraging and hopeful message , ended on a menacing note: “Let's see if you change the scoundrels.”

As usual, many people who, in fact, do not believe that Gascón is an obediently played woman. Except Marion Maréchal, conservative politician and head of the French Reconquest! party list for the European elections. On May 26, he posted his objection to X:

Her remarks, translated, read: “So it is a man who receives the award for best actress in Cannes. The progress of the left is the elimination of women and mothers.” Maréchal is a conservative Catholic politician, the niece of the leader of the National Rally party, Marine Le Pen, and one of France's most interesting politicians. interviewed her several years ago about her views on a range of social issues and I met her at farmers' protests in Brussels earlier this year. For years she has been a staunch opponent of gender ideology and one of the few French politicians willing to speak out.

In response, Gascón demands it. It might be a good time to mention that Gascón, who is 52 years old, he lived as a man until he was 46 before identifying as a woman.

Six LGTB groups filed a complaint with the authorities against Maréchal for the sin of “transphobic insult. Gascón followed up with his own legal complaint for “sexist insults due to gender identity”; a false woman who accuses the blonde love of French law of a false crime. (Think of the irony of a man accusing a woman of calling him a man, of sexism. Anyone who made this story up and pitched it to a Hollywood studio 10 years ago would have laughed.)

The accusation is serious. The 34-year-old French politician could, if convicted of “transphobic insult”, be sentenced to a year in prison and 30,000 euros; if the authorities decide to charge her with “sexist insult due to gender identity”, the fine would be 3,750 euros less but still substantial.

In an interview with Radio France Internationale, Maréchal responded to the legal complaint: “It will not stop me from continuing to say what the truth is. Being a woman or a man is a biological reality, whether you like it or not. XX or XY chromosomes are not they can overcome.”

As GK Chesterton once wrote: “We shall soon be in a world where a man may be howled at for saying that two and two make four, where furious party cries will be raised against anyone who says that cows have horns, in which people will prosecute the heresy of calling a triangle a three-sided figure, and hang a man for maddening a mob with the news that the grass is green.”

He was right, except these days it's usually a woman who howled.

Jonathon Van Maren is a public speaker, writer and pro-life activist. His commentary has been translated into more than eight languages ​​and has been widely published online as well as in print newspapers such as Independent Jewthe National Postthe Hamilton Spectator And others. He has received an award for fighting anti-Semitism in the press from the Jewish organization B'nai Brith. His commentary has been featured on CTV Primetime, Global News, EWTN and CBC, as well as dozens of radio and news stations in Canada and the United States.

He speaks on a wide variety of cultural topics in North America at universities, high schools, churches and other functions. Some of these topics include abortion, pornography, the sexual revolution, and euthanasia. Jonathon holds a degree in history from Simon Fraser University and is the director of communications for the Canadian Center for Bioethics Reform.

Jonathon's first book, The Culture Warwas launched in 2016.


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