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The cancer-killing pill targets tumors, leaving healthy cells unaffected

A revolutionary “cancer-killing pill,” called AOH1996, has shown remarkable potential in early research by effectively killing solid tumors while sparing healthy cells. This innovative drug has been in development for two decades and is now in preclinical research in the United States. AOH1996’s key target is a cancerous variant of the protein proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA).

In its mutated form, PCNA plays a crucial role in DNA replication and the repair process of fast-growing tumors. The drug is being developed by City of Hope, one of America’s leading cancer research and treatment organizations.

Professor Linda Malkas, the brain behind this innovative drug, explained that PCNA can be compared to a major airline terminal center with multiple airplane gates. The unique alteration of PCNA in cancer cells allowed them to design a drug that exclusively targets the cancerous form of this protein. The cancer-killing pill works like a blizzard that shuts down an airline, affecting only planes carrying cancer cells.

Although early results are very promising, research so far has concluded that AOH1996 effectively suppresses tumor growth in cell and animal models. The drug has shown efficacy in the treatment of cells derived from various cancers, including breast, prostate, brain, ovarian, cervical, skin and lung.

Previously considered “undruggable”, the discovery of AOH1996 has opened up new possibilities for personalized and targeted cancer drugs in the future. Although the drug is currently undergoing preclinical trials, the initial success instills hope for more effective and tailored cancer treatments that could transform the landscape of cancer care.

This article is sourced from and written by AI.

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