I told you boycotts won’t work, the only thing that would work is for masked men to come in and destroy all the movie merchandise, Boston Tea Party style.
The problem isn’t that we lack power, it’s that they just change course out of fear. That’s why they give the blaggs what they want, it’s fear. When Bidet continues
> Muh white supremacy
he lies, of course, but he also tells you what he fears: white supremacy. White men become just as unmanageable as black men are… while many of us are sitting there trying to explain how not, we really are complacent, spoiled little dogs and would never do such a thing. And that’s what these people really want when they make their false accusations. They want you to keep bending and scratching, to show that you’re still under their control.
This won’t stop until you – yes YOU reading this – realize that these people are not moral authorities, they are degenerates, and you have no fucking obligation to show them shit because they’re worms, they’re morally repugnant and that’s it . they who should be thankful you didn’t crush them.
When they’re the ones bowing to all your accusations, you’ll know you’ve arrived, but not until then. Defensiveness is weakness, it means you are afraid of their judgment.