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Taiwan's Parliament descends into chaotic fistfights; The lawman flees with Bill [VIDEOS]

Taiwan's Parliament descends into chaotic fistfights;  The lawman flees with Bill [VIDEOS]

Taiwan's parliament was thrown into disarray on Friday as heated disagreements over proposed reforms led to a physical brawl between lawmakers. Disturbing footage captured the scene, showing punches being exchanged, a chamber curtain being torn and a lawmaker falling on his head as he tried to crawl over others. Medical assistance was provided quickly and the injured lawmaker was rushed to hospital.

That clash came just days before the country's president-elect, Lai Ching-te, took office on Monday. Adding to the unfolding drama, Lai's party currently holds a minority position in parliament. He is set to succeed President Tsai Ing-wen, who is also a member of the same party. Notably, Lai previously served as Tsai's vice president.

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During the altercation, lawmakers were seen jumping over tables and engaging in shoving matches. A particularly contentious issue under debate was the proposal to impose criminal penalties on civil servants found guilty of making false statements to parliament.

The ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has accused opposition parties of trying to fast-track reforms without adhering to proper constitutional procedures, calling it an “unconstitutional abuse of power.” In response, Jessica Chen of the Kuomintang (KMT) party, wearing a military helmet, countered these claims, saying: “The DPP does not want this to be approved as they have always been used to monopolizing power.”

This incident is not the first time Taiwan's parliament has witnessed such chaos. In 2020, pig intestines were infamously thrown on the floor of the chamber during a dispute centered on pork imports.

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Expressing concern about the future decorum of parliament, DPP deputy Wang Mei-hui lamented: “I am concerned about the civility of our parliamentary procedures in the future.”

Although Lai Ching-te's Democratic Progressive Party has a minority share of the seats, the main opposition party, the Kuomintang (KMT), does not have a majority on its own. As a result, the KMT is collaborating with the small Taiwan People's Party (TPP) to exert influence.

These reforms are taking place against the backdrop of an already delicate relationship between Taiwan and China. China, considering Taiwan a Chinese territory rather than an independent nation, complicates the political landscape.

Lai Ching-te was once an outspoken supporter of Taiwan's formal independence in the country's constitution. However, the DPP has recently taken a more cautious approach to the issue, according to the views of Foreign Affairs.

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