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EXCLUSIU: una font de l'ex-FBI revela com es va infiltrar en grups antigovernamentals

EXCLUSIU: una font de l'ex-FBI revela com es va infiltrar en grups antigovernamentals

(Ken Silva, Titular EUA) Antiga FBI La font humana confidencial David Gletty ha proporcionat a Headline USA una entrevista reveladora, descrivint com va passar d'un redneck de Florida a infiltrar-se. neonazis i altres grups antigovernamentals a finals de la dècada de 1990 fins al 2007. En el procés, Gletty va… Read More »EXCLUSIU: una font de l'ex-FBI revela com es va infiltrar en grups antigovernamentals

Zyahna Bryant Hired by Dove to Promote ‘FAT Liberation’ Despite Ruining White Student’s Life for ‘Misheard’ Comment at BLM Protest

Zyahna Bryant Hired by Dove to Promote ‘FAT Liberation’ Despite Ruining White Student’s Life for ‘Misheard’ Comment at BLM Protest

Dove has teamed up with a black activist accused of ruining a white student’s life over a “misheard” comment, and the activist is promoting “fat liberation” in a strange and controversial new campaign. The beauty brand has partnered with Zyahna Bryant, a community organizer and student activist who studies at… Read More »Zyahna Bryant Hired by Dove to Promote ‘FAT Liberation’ Despite Ruining White Student’s Life for ‘Misheard’ Comment at BLM Protest
