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Subpoenas arrive for Biden crime family as evidence mounts [VIDEO]

Subpoenas arrive for Biden crime family as evidence mounts [VIDEO]

In a recent exchange on Fox News, Representative James Comer provided key information about the ongoing investigation into the financial dealings of the Biden crime family. Speaking with host Maria Bartiromo, Comer laid out the systematic process the House committee is undertaking to ensure that any subpoena against Hunter Biden and potentially his father, President Joe Biden, is supported by strong evidence that can withstand legal scrutiny.

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Bartiromo asked Rep. Comer directly, “Are you going to quote Hunter Biden?” To which Comer responded in the affirmative, stating, “This is always going to end with the Bidens in front of the committee. We’re going to subpoena the family.”

Deputy Comer further explained the deliberate approach taken by the committee. His intention is to avoid issuing premature subpoenas that could be tied up in legal battles, emphasizing the need to build a case that “will stand up in any court in America.” He cited continued obstruction by lawyers for the Biden crime family and hopes the matter will eventually end up in court.

Comer passionately testified that the committee has evidence showing bank records that contradict previous narratives suggesting there were no financial ties between China and the Biden crime family. Comer emphasized, “We caught Joe Biden in so many lies. Bank records don’t lie.”

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Bartiromo, pressing further, asked about the timing of these summonses. Comer responded that before making any moves against the Biden crime family, the committee wants to interview “three or four more associates.” He mentioned that some of these people are in communication with the committee and if they do not come forward voluntarily, they will also be subpoenaed.

Comer also drew a parallel between the speed of that investigation and that of special counsel Durham, suggesting that his committee is moving faster despite the fact that the Justice Department, the FBI, the Secret Service, the “The IRS is blocking it every step of the way, and the Biden family’s lawyers.”

The conversation ended with Rep. Comer expressing his determination to clarify the underlying issue: “We continue to produce evidence approximately every two weeks.” As the investigation progresses, it seems clear that the House committee is aiming for transparency and thoroughness, ensuring that all claims are backed by irrefutable evidence.

Time will tell if anything ever comes of all this, but I’m not holding my breath, as the history of criminal Democrats taking responsibility isn’t exactly stellar.

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