Shelley Duvall, the beloved actress known for her iconic roles in “The Shining” and “Nashville,” has died at age 75. He died Thursday, July 11, at his home in Blanco, Texas, of complications related to diabetes. His partner, Dan Gilroy, shared the news with The Hollywood Reporterexpressing his pain and love for Duvall.
“My dear, sweet, wonderful partner and friend left us. Too much suffering lately, she's free now. Fly, beautiful Shelley,” Gilroy told THR.
Duvall's career spanned several decades and he became a household name with his distinctive look and unique acting style. Beyond her acclaimed performances in “The Shining” and “Nashville,” she graced the screen in numerous other films and television shows, leaving her mark on the entertainment industry.
Notable works
- Movies:
- Brightness (1980)
- Nashville (1975)
- Popeye (1980)
- 3 Women (1977)
- Annie Hall (1977)
- Time Bandits (1981)
- Brewster McCloud (1970)
- Thieves like us (1974)
- Roxanne (1987)
- The portrait of a lady (1996)
- TV programs:
- Fairy tale theater (1982–1987)
- Bedtime Stories by Shelley Duvall (1992)
- Wishbone (1995–1998)
- frog (1987)
- The Twilight Zone (1985)
Duvall's contributions to film and television have left a lasting legacy, and she will be fondly remembered by fans and colleagues alike.