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Several EU member states recognize Palestine as an independent state [VIDEOS]

Several EU member states recognize Palestine as an independent state [VIDEOS]

Several member states of the European Union, including Ireland, Norway and Spain, have announced their intentions to recognize Palestine as an independent state. Declarations of formal recognition represent crucial first steps in resolving the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict and moving towards a two-state solution.

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Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre initially announced that his country would recognize Palestine as a state, issuing a statement that “in the midst of a war, with tens of thousands dead and wounded, we must keep alive the only alternative that offers a political solution for both Israelis and Palestinians: two states, living side by side, in peace and security.” His Spanish counterpart, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, announced that his government would also be a similar recognition to the Palestinian community on May 28.

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Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris hailed the formal recognition of Palestinian sovereignty as “a historic and important day for Ireland and for Palestine”. Harris expressed hope that the designation would provide “hope and encouragement to the people of Palestine in one of their darkest hours.”

The idea of ​​formally recognizing Palestine as an independent entity has been raised by several member states of the European Union in recent months. Norway emerged as the first country to declare its intentions, with Spain and Ireland following suit.

In response to the announcements, Israel's Foreign Minister Israel Katz ordered the country's ambassadors to Norway and Ireland to immediately return to Israel, denouncing the recognition as an attack on Hamas' victims and a detriment to efforts to release hostages. “We are not deterred by the Irish-Norwegian parade of stupidity,” Katz said. “We are determined to achieve our goals: return security to our citizens, topple Hamas and recover the hostages.”

“I have instructed the immediate withdrawal of Israel's ambassadors to Ireland and Norway for consultations in light of these countries' decisions to recognize a Palestinian state.

I am sending a clear and unequivocal message to Ireland and Norway: Israel will not remain silent in the face of those who undermine its sovereignty and endanger its security.

Today's decision sends a message to the Palestinians and the world: terrorism pays. After the terrorist organization Hamas carried out the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, after committing heinous sex crimes witnessed by the world, these countries chose to reward Hamas and Iran by recognizing a Palestinian state.

This distorted step by these countries is an injustice to the memory of the victims of 7/10, a blow to the efforts to return the 128 hostages and a boost to Hamas and the jihadists in Iran, which undermines the chances of peace and questions Israel's right to self-defense.

Israel will not remain silent: there will be more serious consequences. If Spain fulfills its intention to recognize a Palestinian state, a similar step will be taken against it.

The Irish-Norwegian madness does not deter us; we are determined to achieve our goals: to restore the safety of our citizens, to dismantle Hamas, and to bring the hostages home. There are no more just causes than these.” – Israel Katz, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel

The recognition of Palestine by these three EU member states may receive criticism from defenders of the Israeli cause. However, advocates of a two-state solution and supporters of the Palestinian cause see it as a positive and democratic step in the right direction.

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