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Putin assesses Trump’s witch hunt, points out sad reality about US political system – RedState

Russian President Vladimir Putin naturally watches American politics with great interest, and that includes the Democrats’ ongoing attempt to oust former President Donald Trump. In fact, according to a recent interview, he has been watching it with great interest.

According to Putin, the American political system is in total disarray, as one party is corrupting the system to persecute its opponents, completely robbing the United States of any moral standing it has on the world stage, and that’s a big news for Russia

“For us, what is happening in the current conditions, in my opinion, is good,” Putin said.

“Because it shows the rottenness of the American political system that cannot pretend to teach others about democracy,” he added to applause from a watching crowd.

“Everything that’s going on with Trump is the persecution of a political rival for political reasons,” he continued. “It is what it is. And this is being done in front of the American public and the whole world. They just exposed their internal problems.”

He would know. Putin is no stranger chasing his political rivals himself, but that is not important.

Regardless of Putin’s actions, he is not wrong about the US political system. As it stands, it is in complete and utter disarray thanks to the Democratic Party’s willingness to weaponize government institutions from the IRS to the DOJ to punish and cripple their political rivals.

As of this writing, Democrats continue to identify Trump as their primary political rival, and as such, are doing their best to prevent him from running again by using unforgiving law. Democrats from federal to local are making a big show of trying to bring down Trump with the benefit of not only securing him the White House, but also strengthening their own careers.

Whether you like Trump or not, or plan to vote for him or someone else, his fight against the Democrats represents a perversion of America’s legal and political system.

(TO READ: Breaking Trump, Breaking America)

But to Putin’s point, this abuse of American systems has removed the United States as any sort of moral authority for the political process. As it is, American politicians are content to be as underhanded and corrupt as necessary to maintain power, which makes them not so different from the tyrannical dictators and authoritarians we denounce.

Morally speaking, the only thing separating the Putin regime from the Democratic Party is a connection to Jeffrey Epstein… as far as we know.

Putin is right, at least on this point. The Democratic Party’s continued law enforcement against Trump and its continued use of law enforcement and intelligence agencies to destroy him indicate a complete collapse of the American political system. He can no longer be trusted to be fair and corruption has run so deep that it is not clear where it begins and ends.

At the moment, the United States is not in a position to set an example for the world to follow.


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