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Proud Boys’ Joe Biggs jailed for 17 years for Jan 6 protest, judge suggests pushing fence was ‘terrorism’

Proud Boys member Joe Biggs was sentenced Thursday to 17 years in prison for breaking into the Capitol building on Jan. 6.

“Judge Tim Kelly just made the destruction of part of a temporary metal fence on government property a federal crime of terrorism,” Julie Kelly reported. “The removal of the fence was part of the Proud Boys’ ‘conspiracy’ to ‘influence the conduct of the government'”.

“This dramatically increases the basic level of imprisonment for Joe Biggs and Kelly, no doubt it will do the same for the other Proud Boys,” he said. “I knew it was coming, but it still surprised me.”

From The Gateway Pundit, “Joe Biggs sobs in court after being sentenced to 17 years”:

Onlookers in the courtroom broke down in tears as Judge Timothy Kelly sentenced Joseph Biggs to 204 months in prison for walking into the Capitol building for about 20 minutes during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

The government asked for 33 years for Biggs. Kelly conceded to the defense that the government’s sentencing recommendation was egregious.

Kelly noted that previous offenders who were found guilty of seditious conspiracy had all murdered people, attempted mass murder, bombed or attempted to bomb buildings, and committed other violent crimes that resulted in mass casualties.

But the federal judge proceeded to throw the book at the decorated veteran who earned two Purple Hearts while serving in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, warning Biggs of trespassing and momentarily shaking a fence while Congress asserted that Biden’s presidency warranted severe punishment.

Biggs’ family was not present during the proceedings.

Biggs’ mother is sick with cancer while raising her 6-year-old daughter. Attending the trial or visiting her son in prison puts her at risk of being fired from her job, as have other relatives of J6 defendants after their employers learn of their association with a defendant considered a terrorist in J6 for the government.

J6 lawyer turned AMP News court reporter Suzzanne Monk has attended almost every day of the Proud Boys trial alongside this reporter.

“Judge Kelly’s decision is an attack on the constitutional principles of this country and will lead to much more violence and division in our nation,” Monk told TGP. “He should recuse himself and recuse himself from all J6 cases. I love Joe. Joe Biggs is a hero. He deserves none of this. None of these sentences will stand on appeals and congressional action “.

More than
“>The Gateway Pundit, “Proud boy Zachary Rehl cries in court; the regime sentences him to 15 years on charges of “seditious conspiracy” of garbage”:

Judge Timothy Kelly sentenced Marine Corps veteran Zachary Rehl to 15 years to life in prison for being in the wrong place at the wrong time — walking around the Capitol building for roughly 20 minutes during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot .

The government sought 33 years to life in federal prison for Rehl, the head of the Philadelphia chapter of the Proud Boys, for “his role in the Capitol riots.”

Rehl did not commit a violent crime on Jan. 6. He walked around the Capitol building on Jan. 6 for just a few minutes, took a selfie in the building, and left the Capitol grounds.

Prosecutors argue the 37-year-old Navy veteran and his allies, former Proud Boys president Enrique Tarrio, 39, Joseph Biggs. The 39-year-old and Ethan Nordean, 33, sought to foment a revolution on January 6 to keep former President Donald Trump in power in a “terrorist attack” that left a stain on American democracy.

Judge Timothy Kelly, a Trump appointee from the Federalist Society who has been a huge disappointment, gave a self-righteous monologue while sentencing Biggs to prison and acted like he was fair and balanced.

From Politico, “Proud Boys Who Led March on Capitol Get Two of Longest Sentences Since Jan. 6 Attack”:

“That day broke our tradition of peacefully transferring power,” U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Kelly said as he sentenced Biggs. “The mob brought an entire branch of government to heel.”

[…] Kelly, appointed by Donald Trump, agreed with prosecutors that the crimes committed by Biggs and Rehl were an act of terrorism intended to influence the government. In the Jan. 6 cases, that distinction had until Thursday applied only to members of the Oath Keepers who were also convicted of conspiracy or seditious obstruction.

Kelly spoke at length about his decision to apply the terrorism label and how the January 6 attack compared to other more stereotypical acts of terrorism involving mass casualties or bombings.

“While blowing up a building in some city somewhere is a very bad act, the nature of the constitutional moment we were in that day is such a sensitive thing that it deserves a significant sentence,” Kelly said.

The judge, however, did not use the terrorism designation to dramatically increase his sentences for Biggs and Rehl. Doing so, he said, would result in too harsh a punishment because the terrorism enhancement primarily targets actions with “intent to kill,” which he did not attribute to Biggs or Rehl.

The sentences are an important marker after the January 6 attack. Prosecutors, who had sought sentences of 33 years for Biggs and 30 years for Rehl, said they and their co-conspirators were the driving force behind the violence that unfolded that day, facilitating multiple breaches police lines and helping the crowd move inland. the building itself. A jury convicted the five Proud Boys of multiple conspiracies in June, following a four-month trial that detailed their actions.

Prosecutors urged Kelly to severely punish Biggs and Rehl as a way to deter others who might consider similar actions in the future aimed at disrupting the government.

The fear and effect on society caused by Jan. 6 “is no different than the act of a spectacular bombing of a building,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Jason McCullough said at the sentencing hearing in Biggs.

“There’s a reason we’re going to hold our collective breath as we approach future elections,” McCullough said. “We never thought about it before January 6. … We were pushed to the brink of a constitutional crisis.”

“It is almost seductive how tangible a future act like this could be,” added the prosecutor. “It doesn’t take the step of stockpiling bomb-making equipment to bring the United States government and our society to the brink of a constitutional crisis. It just takes clever propaganda and an environment where you encourage people to basically say: “It’s us. against them’ and ‘We will use force to achieve our political ends'”.

what a shit

The overwhelming majority of BLM rioters escaped all responsibility and now many are collecting multi-million dollar settlements left and right of the government, but J6 protesters have been locked up for decades.

There is no justification for this two-tiered “justice” system and the blatant bias of Attorney General Merrick Garland’s DOJ that allows Portland BLM rioters to get off easy while prosecuting J6ers to the fullest extent of the law. should have been reason enough to dismiss all of his charges under the equal protection clause.

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