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Political reporter doubles down after shock at people who believe rights come from God goes viral

A Politico reporter whose comments about “Christian nationalists” and his belief that their rights “come from God” drew heavy criticism is not backing down.

During an appearance on MSNBC this week, Heidi Przybyla joined the left's election-year attack on people of Christian faith when asked about the “infusion of Christian nationalism” in Congress after President Mike Johnson (R-La.), who is devoted. the religious was chosen first.

Przybyla, another of the left-wing activists who have contributed to the destruction of the institution of American journalism, launched one of the most incredibly clueless responses imaginable after blasting Republican front-runner Donald J. Trump and Christians who support him.

“What unites them as Christian nationalists – not Christians, by the way, because the Christian nationalist is very different – is that they believe that our rights as Americans, as all human beings, do not come from any earthly authority. . They don't come from Congress, they don't come from the Supreme Court. They come from God. The problem with that is that they are determining – man, men, it's men who are determining what God tells them,” he said.

What Przybyla failed to mention is that the nation's founding documents themselves state that the rights of human beings come from the Almighty, not from the government that has come to represent God in the minds of leftists who worship at the altar of the state authoritarian fascist.

According to no less an authority than the Declaration of Independence: “We consider these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Freedom and the pursuit of happiness.”

“Our Declaration of Independence, our entire system of government, is based on the principle that our rights do not come from some 'earthly authority' (like Congress or a king) but from God. Read the plain words of the Declaration: “We are endowed by our CREATOR with certain unalienable rights.” The historical illiteracy of his comments is stunning,” wrote Fox News contributor Marc Thiessen, who was among those who criticized the Politico pundit's ill-informed opinion.

Another critic, Citizens for Renewing America's Wade Miller wrote. “Here @MSNBC makes her disdain for Christians in America clear. She says if you believe your rights come from God, you're not a Christian, you're a Christian nationalist.”

“Somehow they don't seem to mention that our own founding documents make that proclamation, as most Americans have throughout our history,” he added. “Radical atheist globalists are coming to try to crush ordinary American citizens.”

A prickly Przybyla defiantly attacked X, insisting that his remarks had been taken out of context, but without addressing his apparent ignorance of rights that come from God.

The overthrow of Speaker Johnson is part of the larger war against Christians that is now entering a new and dangerous phase.

A recent Politico piece by Przybyla claims that “Trump's allies prepare to infuse second administration with 'Christian nationalism'.”

Reporting on the documents obtained by the outlet, Przybyla and fellow political propagandist Alexander Ward claim that “an influential think tank close to Donald Trump is developing plans to infuse Christian nationalist ideas into his administration if the former president returns to power,” before later admitting. that the documents “do not outline specific Christian nationalist policies.”

President Joe Biden has repeatedly demonized “MAGA Republicans” and now “Christian Nationalists” appear to be about to be added to the official list of Democratic enemies, a category that could include ALL conservative believers if current trends are an indicator.


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Political reporter doubles down after shock at people who believe rights come from God goes viral
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