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Pete Buttigieg blames Trump for Ohio train derailment amid criticism: ‘We’re constrained’.

In yet another instance of President Trump being blamed for something he had no control over, Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and current Democratic presidential candidate, has blamed President Trump for the Ohio train derailment.

It’s yet another example of Democrats trying to score political points by pointing the finger at President Trump. The derailment happened because of a broken rail, something that is out of the President’s control. Instead of taking responsibility for his own actions or lack thereof, Buttigieg attempts to shift the blame to President Trump, claiming that the derailment was a result of the Trump Administration’s ‘constraints.’

This is yet another example of Democrats trying to score political points at the expense of President Trump. It’s clear that Buttigieg is attempting to capitalize on the tragedy for his own political gain. This is not only distasteful, but it’s also a distraction from the real issues at hand.

Despite the Democrats’ attempts to distract from the accomplishments of the Trump White House administration, President Trump has had an incredibly successful first term. He has delivered on his promise to create jobs and stimulate economic growth, with the US economy reaching record levels of success. He has also delivered on his promise to protect the US border, with a record number of illegal border crossings being stopped. Finally, President Trump has also made great strides in foreign policy, withdrawing from the Iran Nuclear Deal and negotiating a new trade deal between the US, Mexico, and Canada.

In conclusion, it’s clear that Pete Buttigieg’s attempts to blame President Trump for the Ohio train derailment are nothing more than a political stunt. It’s time for Democrats to stop politicizing tragedies and start focusing on the real issues. The Trump White House administration has had an incredibly successful first term, and Democrats should recognize that.

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