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Billionaire Crypto Currency Loses Fortune Almost Overnight As Crypto Ponzi Business Exposed: The Start Of The Great Reset?

for Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News November 8, 2022 will obviously go down in history as America’s midterm election day, but could another event that happened yesterday overshadow even the national election? Earlier this year I warned that cryptocurrencies were NOT safe havens for protecting financial wealth, when Coinbase, the… Read More »Billionaire Crypto Currency Loses Fortune Almost Overnight As Crypto Ponzi Business Exposed: The Start Of The Great Reset?

Surge in “Sudden Deaths” Creates Increased Business for Funeral Industry while Life Insurance Industry Suffers due to Increased Death Payouts

The Funeral Business Is Booming (And Not Because Of COVID) ZeroHedge News Authored by Alex Berenson via ‘Unreported Truths’ Substack, How bad is the rise in mortality? So bad funeral companies are starting to worry. Today Service Corporation International, the largest for-profit funeral operator in North America, had its quarterly… Read More »Surge in “Sudden Deaths” Creates Increased Business for Funeral Industry while Life Insurance Industry Suffers due to Increased Death Payouts

President Donald J. Trump’s Unprecedented Success in 2022 | news

President Donald J. Trump has endorsed more than 330 candidates this election cycle. President Trump held 30 rallies in 17 states over the past 18 months. President Trump held more than 50 in-person fundraisers in support of re-election candidates. President Trump provided commentary on more than 60 TeleRallies and robocalls… Read More »President Donald J. Trump’s Unprecedented Success in 2022 | news

Una nació malalta i moribunda participa d’un ritual de novembre anomenat “Votar” a la recerca de canvis als llocs equivocats

per Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Molts nord-americans participaran en el ritual de novembre dels anys electorals per sortir a votar avui pels seus candidats polítics preferits, creient que si hi ha prou gent que vota com ho fan, el resultat serà un canvi positiu. Aquest ritual és molt sagrat,… Read More »Una nació malalta i moribunda participa d’un ritual de novembre anomenat “Votar” a la recerca de canvis als llocs equivocats

Endorsed by Brenna Bird | news

Brenna Bird is a tough-as-nails but very fair prosecutor who will work to get criminals off the streets, seek justice for crime victims, and uphold the rule of law. Brenna Bird supports the blue and will always fight for our tremendous men and women in law enforcement. Next week, Brenna… Read More »Endorsed by Brenna Bird | news

A WAITING WATCH: Extreme social decay spreading like wildfire in many of America’s largest cities

If you want to get an idea of ​​what’s really going on in this country, just walk the streets of our major cities. In fact, you don’t even have to go to the “bad areas” to see the extreme social decay that is eating away at our communities like cancer.… Read More »A WAITING WATCH: Extreme social decay spreading like wildfire in many of America’s largest cities

“Died Unexpectedly” Cases Surge with More Deaths in 2022 than 2020-2021 as People Continue to Get COVID-19 Vaccines

Original image source and story. by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News The fact that deaths of previously healthy young people are now exploding around the world is no longer in dispute, as even the corporate media has had to address this tragic phenomenon. The Telegraph reported this week: Excess deaths… Read More »“Died Unexpectedly” Cases Surge with More Deaths in 2022 than 2020-2021 as People Continue to Get COVID-19 Vaccines

Sunday Thoughts: As the 2022 midterm election campaign winds down, lies and slander are unacceptable

As the 2022 midterm election campaigns wind down, the lies and slander have flown. It has been an exhausting experience. The list is long with examples. However, below are some recent outrageous examples. Liberal historian Michael Beschloss gave MSNBC viewers a scare, warning them that a GOP red wave in… Read More »Sunday Thoughts: As the 2022 midterm election campaign winds down, lies and slander are unacceptable

National Guard cybersecurity experts ready to help during mid-sessions

National Guard cybersecurity experts are preparing to help during the midterm elections in several states in the event of potential threats, officials said Friday, Politico reported. According to the output: The support ahead of, during and after midterm elections in the 14 states on Tuesday comes after National Guard Cyber… Read More »National Guard cybersecurity experts ready to help during mid-sessions

Western Journalist Publishes Rare View Inside a China COVID-19 Quarantine Camp

Image source. Comments by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News British journalist Thomas Hale is the Shanghai correspondent for Financial Times, and he recently published a rare account of what life is like inside one of China’s COVID-19 quarantine camps, where he was restricted for 10 days, not because he tested… Read More »Western Journalist Publishes Rare View Inside a China COVID-19 Quarantine Camp

Faced with a resounding defeat in the midterms, the media is promoting Trump – Desantis “Family Feud”.

As even the dumbest of Democratic strategists (sans Whoopi Goldberg) now realize their party faces doom in next week’s election, they’re already setting the narrative for the 2024 presidential race Right now, their candidate pool is shorter than Joe Biden’s workday. The media is already facing its main contender; Kamala… Read More »Faced with a resounding defeat in the midterms, the media is promoting Trump – Desantis “Family Feud”.

The Big Lie: World Energy Shortages and Multiple Crises – All Fabricated – Destined to Destroy Western Civilization

Energy crisis? Food crisis? Industrial collapse? Supply chain disruptions? Broken communications? Cyber ​​attacks? Blackouts? Hyperinflation? Climate change? Wars, civil conflicts and more pandemics, culminating in human misery… Yes. It’s all manufactured. It’s all part of the plan to destroy civilization as we know it, to replace it with 4th Industrial… Read More »The Big Lie: World Energy Shortages and Multiple Crises – All Fabricated – Destined to Destroy Western Civilization

Endorsed by Gerald Malloy | news

It’s a great honor to support a patriotic American running in what would normally be a tough state for a Republican, but things are changing fast and his opponent on the radical left, Peter Welch, is absolutely terrible : does not represent the values. of the Great Village of Vermont.… Read More »Endorsed by Gerald Malloy | news

Is an Iranian false flag attack on Saudi oil being planned to blame on a spike in oil prices?

Source of the image. Comments by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News From the Korean Peninsula, to the borders of Ukraine, to Taiwan and now the Middle East and many other parts of the world, it seems like every day now I read that war is about to break out. With… Read More »Is an Iranian false flag attack on Saudi oil being planned to blame on a spike in oil prices?

Food Author who Celebrated Anti-Vaxxers “Dying in Legions” Suddenly DEAD from Cardiac Arrest

Vaxxed/Boosted Food Writer, 49, Who Relished “Anti-Vaxxers/Mask Dying in Legions,” Dies Suddenly from Cardiac Arrest by Adan Julie Powell, a blogger turned influential food author who once celebrated anti-vax and anti-mask people “dying in legions,” died suddenly from cardiac arrest. On Tuesday, Powell’s husband told The New York Times she died from… Read More »Food Author who Celebrated Anti-Vaxxers “Dying in Legions” Suddenly DEAD from Cardiac Arrest

New California law allows children in all 50 states to seek transgender medical services without parental permission

California recently passed SB 107 which allows children in all 50 states to seek transgender medical services in California, even if a parent does not approve. A new state law in California could incentivize “bad actors” from around the world to avoid custody laws by moving to the golden state,… Read More »New California law allows children in all 50 states to seek transgender medical services without parental permission
