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NPR's pro-abolish-the-police correspondent blasted the “racist public” who call 911. And they wonder why there are layoffs?

A leftist who works for NPR wants the American police system to be completely abolished because it is allegedly inherently racist.

Gene Demby is his name, and he produces content for NPR's strangely race-obsessed “Black Truths” segment.

(Video credit: NPR)

During one segment, he falsely claimed that America is “a country built and defined by white supremacy,” according to the report Fox News. But his more extreme views have been saved for social media platform X.

“Abolition means *no* police because the police are an inherently destructive force,” he wrote to X in a June 2020 post.

To be fair, he published the post right around the time of the death of Minneapolis criminal George Floyd in police custody.

In additional posts, he emphasized that there is a big difference between police reform and police abolition, the latter of which he supports.

“'Reform' is different from abolition because it is based on the idea that the police should exist, but simply modified, with more diverse police forces, with[erent] training, etc.,” he explained. “But none of this interrupts the imperatives of policing.”

“There are people pushing for defunding [because] it pushes back the police and other people who push for bankruptcy [because] this is the practical way of abolition. [The movement] IS will abolish the police,” he added.

In his most impressive post, he claimed that the police fulfill very little “vital function” in society. Polls have shown that even a large majority of their black peers believe in and support the police.

“Police do not solve violent crimes effectively,” he tweeted. “They don't avoid crimes. They don't de-escalate situations, and put people in contact with the criminal justice system for being poor. How are they useful? what vital function do they have besides social control”

“Every time the police come into contact with black people during some traffic stop or some disturbing gentrifier calls 911, the prospect of state violence, even deadly force, is on the table. The most direct way of preventing black people from being killed by the police is to stop these unnecessary encounters.It takes bias off the table in police imperatives, among individual officers, and among a racist public that uses 911 as a customer service hotline. “.

Note their rush to label anyone who calls 911 on a black suspect a “racist.”

According to Fox News, some of those opinions made their way into Demby's writing work for NPR, where he still works today.

“Demby leads NPR's Code Switch podcast team, which it proclaims to be 'the fearless conversations about race you've been waiting for,'” Fox News notes. “On NPR, publishes stories on 'whiteness' and 'Imagining a world without prison'”.

All of this comes as no surprise, as NPR has long been a hotbed of left-wing extremism. The network came face-to-face with that fact last year when it tried to lay off employees after a huge deficit pushed the company toward bankruptcy.

“Last week, NPR laid off 84 people and halted production of four seasonal podcasts, including Invisibilia, Louder Than a Riot and Rough Translation. The company warned in February that those cuts would come after it projected a sponsorship shortfall of 30 million dollars this year.” Bloomberg informed in due course.

After the cuts, the “Louder Than a Riot” podcast took to Twitter to complain that all of the podcast employees who were fired were minorities or LGBT.

“[T]The majority of those affected in these layoffs were queer, staff and programs,” the show tweeted on March 23, trying to suggest racism was behind the decision.


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NPR's pro-abolish-the-police correspondent blasted the “racist public” who call 911. And they wonder why there are layoffs?
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