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New Zealand health authorities try to medically kidnap 4-month-old baby who needs heart surgery because parents want unvaccinated blood

for Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Health authorities in New Zealand are trying to take custody of a 4-month-old baby who needs heart surgery, because the parents don’t want the baby to receive blood from someone vaccinated against COVID-19.

According to an interview with the parents, the parents do not refuse medical treatment, and they agree with the doctors who say that their baby needs immediate heart surgery.

They only want to donate their own blood from their own donors, and they claim that they already have more than 20 pediatric donors who have been screened and could donate their blood for the necessary surgery.

But the doctors refuse, because they claim that the parents’ beliefs are unfounded and that the vaccinated blood is perfectly safe. New Zealand’s corporate media brand parents as anti-vaccination conspiracy theorist lunatics.

I’ve read two corporate news articles, one from The Guardian and one from, and both sources make it sound like the parents were refusing “life-saving treatment” for their baby because of their beliefs of ” conspiracy”.

But a former TV reporter, Liz Gunn, who is now at FreeNZ Media, attended a meeting the parents had with health authorities and also interviewed them afterwards, so the public can hear directly from the parents themselves about which they are their wishes.

They claim they want the best for their 4 month old baby and agree with the doctors, but they simply want unvaccinated blood.

According to Liz Gunn, the doctors intimidated the mother and tried to get her to see a psychologist.

This is something I warned the public about a few days ago when I reported how the medical authorities are now trying to label anti-vaxxers as mentally insane and dangerous, and that one of the results of doing so would be to take away their children if they refused vaccines I will see:

The vaccine cult wants to rid the Earth of anti-vaxxers by labeling them crazy and dangerous

The surgeon scheduled to perform the baby’s surgery allegedly said, “I’m not going to call the blood bank” to ask them to collect blood from unvaccinated donors.

When asked why, he allegedly replied, “Because I don’t believe what you’re saying.”

To which Liz Gunn replied: “We don’t need your belief, we just need you to listen to parents and what they want.”

Watch Liz Gunn’s interview with parents.

Source of the image.

There was a court hearing in Auckland today, 30 November 2022, but it was only an “administrative” hearing to set the date for an “urgent hearing”.

Protesters showed up to protest, so apparently Liz Gunn’s video is having some effect in countering the negative press from the corporate media.

I know we have readers in New Zealand so please share this video with as many people as you can and help stand with these parents against medical tyranny.

The title of the video is aptly titled: Freedom to Choose Clean Blood.

These kinds of “blood wars” over vaccinated and unvaccinated blood will only get worse, as will the medical kidnappings of parents who choose not to vaccinate their children.

If you’re not already familiar with the blood clot issues with those receiving COVID-19 vaccines, see:

Funeral embalmer: 85% of corpses now have strange blood clots since launch of COVID vaccine

FreeNZ Media has also published an update on this story from today’s court hearing.

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Published on November 30, 2022

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