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Mayor Adams sounds EXACTLY like President Trump on illegal immigration now…

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It didn’t take long for the man who once campaigned for New York City to be a welcoming “sanctuary city” to do a complete 180. Now, he’s essentially a miniature version of President Trump when it comes to the illegal immigration and Joe Biden’s orchestrated chaos. on the US-Mexico border.

But wow, how the tables have turned. That’s what Adams said in 2021, when he was proud that New York was a “sanctuary” for illegals.

Fast forward a couple of years and Eric is singing a completely different tune. Now that border states like Texas are sending undocumented immigrants to self-proclaimed “sanctuary cities” like New York, liberals are suddenly at a loss. The so-called “love” they supposedly had for the illegals, whom they never wanted to support except morally and from afar, has evaporated. They are essentially admitting defeat; his city is now completely compromised thanks to illegal immigration.

Here’s what people online are saying about Mayor Adams’ big change:

“Now you’re getting a taste of what border states like mine have long complained about. It serves you well, after calling us ‘racists’ for having the same concerns about our states! In fact, the Democrats’ reaction to conservatives who wanted a secure border was to make New York a ‘sanctuary state.’ Just so we’re clear; you brought it on yourselves. You’re not going to get any sympathy from me.”

“Love this! Just a taste of what it’s like to live in a border state.”

“What’s funny is when they have to face the reality of their own virtue signaling.”

“This is what happens when virtue-signalling Democrats come face-to-face with the reality of their stupid policies.”

“Tell your friend Biden to close the damn border He’s not just destroying New York, he’s destroying America And you’re right… We’re all in this together so it’s time to defend our nation”

“And yet I’m sure he thought it was perfectly fine for Texas to be invaded. These hypocrites.”

It’s amazing how quickly a dose of harsh reality can turn someone into an America First patriot, isn’t it? Once again, President Trump was right and progressive policies were wrong.



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