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Matt Gaetz has a bold plan to hold Jack Smith accountable [VIDEO]

Matt Gaetz has a bold plan to hold Jack Smith accountable [VIDEO]

In a recent discussion on Newsmax, host Carl Higbie and Florida Republican Matt Gaetz candidly discussed the actions of the Biden regime and the tasks ahead for House Republicans.

Higbie began the conversation by playfully commenting on Biden’s exit from the White House, suggesting a humorous take on the backstage chatter. Gaetz hit back at Biden’s infamous bicycle incidents, quickly steering the conversation toward more serious political issues.

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Gaetz stated that the real question is not about Biden’s actions, which he suggests are already being observed and known. Instead, the focus should be on what House Republicans will do in response. He laid out an assertive plan, saying: “House Republicans should immediately demand that Jack Smith appear for a transcript interview before the Judiciary Committee within the next 15 days. If he does not, we will have to subpoena . If he ignores the subpoena, we should hold him in criminal contempt of Congress…”

He further explained that if Attorney General Merrick Garland does not enforce criminal contempt, he should be removed. This was an example of Gaetz’s strong view that House Republicans must be assertive and hold those in power accountable for their actions.

Gaetz also emphasized the need for Republicans to speak out against election interference and misuse of the Department of Justice (DOJ). He noted how these issues are becoming distractions from what he sees as the “very real crimes committed by Hunter and Joe Biden.”

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Reflecting on the recent developments surrounding the Biden family and their former business partner, Devon Archer, Gaetz noted that it is no coincidence that Biden is retreating from the public eye. He stated that the recent indictment “reads like a torture of activity protected by the First Amendment.”

In conclusion, Gaetz argued that if House Republicans and the House Judiciary Committee do not stand up for the republic, their presence becomes pointless. His remarks underscore the need for Republicans to take decisive action against perceived injustices and manipulations of power.

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