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LIVE: Trump CPAC Speech

LIVE: Trump CPAC Speech

On February 28th, 2021, former President Donald Trump delivered his first public speech since leaving office at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) held in Orlando, Florida. The annual conference brings together prominent conservative voices to discuss key issues and policies that align with the Republican party’s ideology. Trump’s speech, which lasted for about an hour and a half, was the highlight of the event and drew significant media attention. In this article, we will analyze Trump’s speech and its significance in the current political climate.

Trump’s speech was eagerly awaited by his supporters as well as the wider American public. The former president’s presence at CPAC was seen as a sign that he is still a dominant figure in the Republican party and that he is likely to play an essential role in shaping its future. Trump’s speech was expected to provide a clear direction to the conservative movement, which has struggled to remain united following his departure from the White House.

The speech began with a prolonged standing ovation from the audience as Trump made his way to the stage. He started by thanking the conservative movement for its continued support and praised his administration’s achievements, including the tax cuts and the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Trump then moved on to criticize President Joe Biden’s policies, calling him a “disaster” who is endangering the country’s future.

Trump accused Biden of undermining the country’s energy independence, killing jobs, and opening the borders to illegal immigrants. He cited Biden’s decision to stop the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, which he claimed would result in the loss of thousands of jobs. Trump also criticized Biden’s handling of the pandemic, accusing him of spreading fear and panic, and taking credit for the vaccines developed under his administration.

Trump then went on to discuss the allegations of election fraud that have been circulating since November 2020. He repeated his claim that the election was “rigged,” asserting that he won the election by a landslide but that it was stolen from him. Trump criticized the Supreme Court and other courts for not considering the evidence of fraud and accused Democrats of engaging in massive voter fraud to sway the election.

The former president’s rhetoric also touched upon issues of censorship and cancel culture. He criticized social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook for censoring conservative voices and called for greater regulation of these companies. Trump also railed against the “woke” culture that has taken root in the country, claiming that it is destroying American values and traditions.

Trump’s speech was both aggressive and combative, as he repeatedly attacked his opponents and critics. However, he also praised the conservative movement for its resilience and urged his supporters to continue their fight to protect American values. He reiterated his commitment to putting America first, both at home and on the world stage, and promised that he would be back in some form to continue his fight for the country’s future.

What Trump’s speech Means

Trump’s speech at CPAC was significant for several reasons. First and foremost, it signaled his continued influence on the Republican party, despite no longer holding office. The prolonged standing ovation he received at the beginning of his speech demonstrated that he still commands a loyal and enthusiastic following among conservatives.

Moreover, Trump’s speech was an indication that he is likely to play an essential role in shaping the Republican party’s future, both ideologically and strategically. His emphasis on “America First” policies, his attacks on cancel culture and wokeism, and his condemnation of big tech censorship indicate that he remains committed to the populist, nationalist agenda that he championed during his presidency.

At the same time, however, Trump’s speech also highlighted the divisions within the Republican party. While his supporters view him as a rallying point around which to unite, many establishment Republicans continue to distance themselves from the former president, viewing his rhetoric and policies as divisive and harmful to the party’s long-term prospects.

The Risk of division

The risk of division within the Republican party was underscored by Trump’s criticism of the Supreme Court and other courts’ handling of the election challenges. Some conservatives, including several prominent lawyers, have argued that Trump’s attacks on the courts could undermine public trust in the judiciary and the rule of law.

Moreover, Trump’s insistence that the election was stolen from him and his demand for a full audit of the votes has created significant rifts within the party. Some Republicans have called for an end to the election controversy, arguing that it is time to move on and focus on the future, while others continue to support Trump’s efforts to overturn the results.


Trump’s speech at CPAC was a clear indication that he remains a dominant figure in the conservative movement and that he is likely to play an important role in shaping the Republican party’s future. His emphasis on “America First” policies, his attacks on cancel culture and wokeism, and his condemnation of big tech censorship demonstrate that he remains committed to the populist, nationalist agenda that has defined his presidency. However, his insistence on his claims of election fraud and attacks on the courts could prove divisive within the party and undermine its long-term prospects. Regardless, his position within the party remains largely unchallenged, even after leaving the presidency, and he will likely continue to wield significant influence for the foreseeable future.

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