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Leftists and media allies apoplectic before Judge Alito's supposed “stop the steal” flag

Leftist airheads are on edge over a report that Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito allegedly had a dissenting opinion on the 2020 election.

Filed by The New York Timesthe report states that Alito's neighbors saw an inverted flag flying outside their home in the days following the Jan. 6 riot.

This, according to the Times, is a big deal for one key reason: “After the 2020 presidential election, as some Trump supporters falsely claimed that President Biden had stolen the office, many of them showed a striking symbol outside his home, in his cars and in online publications: an upside-down American flag.”

In other words, with the flag reversed, Alito allegedly signaled his support for former President Donald Trump's “Stop the Steal” efforts.

There's just one problem. Speaking to the Times by email, Alito wrote, “I had no involvement in the flying of the flag. It was put up briefly by Mrs. Alito in response to a neighbor's use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs.”

“Interviews show that the justice's wife, Martha-Ann Alito, had been in a dispute with another family on the block over an anti-Trump sign on their lawn, but given the timing and harshness of the symbol , the neighbours interpreted the inverted flag as a political statement from the couple“, notes the Times.

So has every leftist in America.

Specific case:

But the angriest response came from MSNBC lefty Joe Scarborough, who ranted and rambled like a maniac on Friday after the Times report.

“I'll tell you, growing up, one of my friend's parents was a federal judge,” he began his rant. “I had no idea until I got older whether I was a Republican or a Democrat. And that was the case in Northwest Florida, a very conservative place. The federal judges held themselves above reproach. They never talked about politics, never, in the privacy of their homes, they would just say, “It's not my job.” They took their oath seriously.

“And for a Supreme Court justice and I'll say, just my opinion, but the guy who most likely had something to do with leaking the Dobbs decision, leaking it to the Wall Street Journal or somebody connected to him , leaking it to the Wall Street Journal because he wanted to keep Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett frozen in place. I think history will prove that,” his rant continued.

“But other than that, for a guy who's a Supreme Court justice who let this happen in his home during one of the most difficult times in American history since the Civil War, it's just . . . . It's sad. It shows how little respect he has for the law. It's just disgusting,” he concluded.



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Leftists and media allies apoplectic before Judge Alito's supposed “stop the steal” flag
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