Criminal Paul Prediger, formerly known as Gaige Grosskreutz, punished Kenosha County Eye to report first, who secretly asked a judge to change his name. Grosskreutz is known for being the man who he pointed a gun to 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse during the 2020 riots and was shot for it. Rittenhouse was cleared of any wrongdoing for shooting the career criminal.
Grosskreutz told the Milwaukee judge that her name change had to be kept secret to protect herself from “far-right” people who have been threatening her life.
Although Grosskreutz wants us to believe that he is in fear for his life, he couldn’t help himself when he decided to continue. WISN 12 ABC news to talk about being run over.
According to WISN12, Grosskreutz suffered a lacerated liver and multiple broken bones. He is trying to raise money on GOFUNDME.
The perpetrator of the alleged hit-and-run, Marvin Thomas, was charged yesterday with two crimes related to the accident. He has a $1,500 cash bond.
***Thanks LS for your research help.***