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Kona Wilkinson, professional athlete becomes a bioenergetic practitioner

Kona Wilkinson, professional athlete becomes a bioenergetic practitioner

Hero of Health

Episode 153 – Health Heroes! A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to return to the Hippocrates Wellness Center and meet a bunch of like-minded people who love self-healing and live a happy contributing life. I met doctors, personal trainers, athletes, nurses and various wellness professionals… It was amazing! One of the people I met was Kona Wilkinson, a former professional soccer player who stumbled upon a healing device during her 17-year career as a professional athlete that helped her heal from many injuries very quickly . Soon many of his teammates were looking for the same results, so Kona became a team health doctor by default while also playing for them. Finally, his sports career ended and he began to look for a new meaning for his life. She did many indigenous ceremonies such as ayahuasca and kambo to break the shell of her previous image and find new meaning and purpose in her life by helping others heal physically, emotionally and spiritually. She now works full-time at Hippocrates as a personal trainer and multi-modality wellness practitioner. And the best thing about her is that she is a healthy, happy and vibrant human being. He has great wisdom to share along with some healing therapies that can greatly benefit you. Thanks for listening, please subscribe and share this podcast if you like the content and think it could benefit someone you know. Love and light – Coach Tim.

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