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Joe Kent: Leak Reveals CIA Knew Ukraine War Was Never Sustainable, War Powers Act Needed Today

Joe Kent: Leak Reveals CIA Knew Ukraine War Was Never Sustainable, War Powers Act Needed Today

Joe Kent, a former Green Beret and candidate for Congress, recently shared leaked documents that expose the fact that the CIA knew the Ukraine war was never sustainable. The documents also reveal that the War Powers Act, which was passed in 1973 to limit the president’s ability to engage in military conflicts without congressional approval, is more necessary now than ever.

The leaked documents show that the CIA predicted the Ukraine war would be a protracted and costly conflict that would ultimately weaken the Ukrainian government and benefit Russia. The agency also predicted that the conflict would eventually become a stalemate, with no clear winner emerging.

Despite this knowledge, the United States provided military aid to Ukraine and ramped up its rhetoric against Russia. This approach, according to Kent, was not only misguided but also dangerous. “The Ukraine war was never sustainable, and we knew that from the beginning,” Kent said in a statement. “But we continued to escalate the conflict anyway, putting American lives at risk and creating more instability in the region.”

Kent went on to argue that the War Powers Act is needed now more than ever. “The current administration has shown a willingness to engage in military conflicts without seeking congressional approval,” he said. “That’s why we need to ensure that the War Powers Act is enforced and that any military action is subject to congressional oversight.”

The War Powers Act was passed in response to the Vietnam War, which was a deeply unpopular conflict that dragged on for years without clear objectives. The law states that the president can engage in military conflict for up to 60 days without congressional approval, but after that, he must seek authorization from Congress.

In recent years, the War Powers Act has come under scrutiny as presidents have used executive power to engage in military conflicts without seeking congressional approval. The Obama administration engaged in the conflict in Libya without seeking approval, while the Trump administration authorized a strike on Syria without congressional oversight.

According to Kent, the Ukraine war and the ongoing conflict in Syria are clear examples of why the War Powers Act needs to be enforced. “We can’t keep engaging in military conflicts without clear objectives and without proper oversight from Congress,” he said. “It’s time to put an end to endless wars and ensure that our troops are only sent into harm’s way when it’s absolutely necessary.”

In conclusion, the leaked documents shared by Joe Kent reveal that the CIA knew the Ukraine war was never sustainable, but the United States continued to ramp up the conflict anyway. This approach was misguided and endangered American lives. Kent argues that the War Powers Act is needed now more than ever to ensure that military conflicts are subject to congressional oversight and that American lives are not put at unnecessary risk.

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