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It’s interesting that they automatically correlate LGBTQ people with committing sex crimes against children. – The Donald – America First

It’s interesting that they automatically correlate LGBTQ people with committing sex crimes against children.  – The Donald – America First

I once had a gay couple live near me. One of his nephews came from California to live with them, because he was acting in California and the family wanted to get him out (but I think he actually committed some crimes and people were looking for him, so the family got him out to prevent be identified). Anyway, it turns out that his own gay uncle raped him. I was 17 years old. So not only was he a paedo and a rapist, he also committed incest. And this one was black. This was also a guy who was trying to claim he was highly religious, but he was mentally ill and trying to use that as a shield.

That’s what happens with these people. Everything is a shield to hide behind, a rock to crawl over, because they know what they are doing is not approved by society. That is why they have to pretend that they are on a high horse above others, to hide their true place in society.

What they don’t want people to realize is that how they try to paint white rednecks as… is what they really are, and worse. They paint the reds as sisters, daughters and whore cousins, when incest mainly takes place in the democratic havens of the city. This is also another factor why they are vile people to begin with, because violence begets violence. They create a vicious cycle, where they molest their children and then their children grow up to be abusers, or just maladjusted individuals in general, which only creates more hatred and pain in society. They victimize their own people, then the victims turn on others, repeating over and over.

Most black women and especially black men will never admit it or talk about it, because it’s too dirty, too shameful, too degrading a secret to admit that their family member did this to them. So they bottle it up inside and turn on others, becoming victimizers themselves. The saddest part is that their status as protected by government decree is exactly what allows the rise of this type of abuse to begin. When a group of people know that they are given more than equality and special treatment, and they combine that with a toxic bad culture, and all you get is the degradation of society and people who no longer fear the consequences and their lack of fear of consequences. it just encourages them to be bad.

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