The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author.
Joe Biden turned around like a mangy old dog instead of fighting the Barack Obama-led coup, and now he and the corrupt media are focused on polishing his legacy, a legacy that despite the gaslighting, is soaked in shame
On a day when he launched an attack on a co-equal branch of government with his demands to bring the Supreme Court under the control of Congress, the Democratic lame duck spoke at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library in Austin, TX, and like LBJ, his legacy is one of dishonor and disaster.
It's been 60 years since President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and brought us closer to fulfilling our founding promise: that we are all created equal and deserve equal treatment.
I hope to commemorate that legacy today at the LBJ Presidential Library.
— President Biden (@POTUS) July 29, 2024
The two have one thing in common besides their party affiliation, as both dropped out of the race rather than seek re-election, Johnson under pressure because of the Vietnam War and Biden dismissed without glory by his own allies that they knew about his senility for years and lied. about it to the public.
While Biden hasn't racked up body bags like LBJ did with a bloody foreign war, he has embraced the anti-white discrimination of the Civil Rights Act and the “Great Society,” both failures of which have done little to improve people's lives. black people while dividing Americans among themselves with no president more divisive than Biden, who lied his ass off about being a unifier.
In Johnson's defense, he was a complex man who governed in a tumultuous time, unlike Biden, who assumed leadership of a nation at a time of prosperity, at least before COVID, and proceeded to a wrecking ball, both nationally and on the world stage.
Since Biden resigned last week, the same people who spent weeks trying to push him out the door have spoken of his “selflessness” and “patriotism” in a first-ever rewrite of history to portray the career jackleg politician , a serial liar, racial hatred. baiting and moody authoritarian, like one of the greatest leaders in all of American history, almost deserving of having his face carved on Mount Rushmore.
It's all a lie, a big lie.
Biden has spent years criticizing former President Donald J Trump as a threat to “democracy” and the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler, but it is he who has ruled as a dictator and a man who clearly despises half the country. In one of the lowest points of his despicable tenure in the White House, he impersonated the Nazis with a speech delivered against a blood-red backdrop flanked by marines that could have been choreographed by Leni Riefenstahl.
Remember when Biden stood in front of a blood red background and called out his fascist opponents?
— Auron MacIntyre (@AuronMacintyre) July 14, 2024
The real legacy of the worst president in the history of the United States, and it's not even close, includes allowing the invasion of millions of illegal aliens to pour through the porous border that has refused to ensure, along with the deadly Chinese fentanyl. this has killed tens of thousands of Americans, not to mention the murderers, rapists, sex perverts, drug dealers and other thugs who mingle with the impoverished brown masses.
Also on Biden's scorecard is a war on the domestic fossil fuel industry, the imposition of a dangerous climate cult agenda, government collusion with big tech companies to censor political speech, a tyrannical response to the pandemic of COVID in which he tried to force millions of Americans. to be attacked against their will with an experimental and potentially deadly series of vaccines, prolonged inflation that has decimated family budgets, the turnover of Afghanistan to the terrorist Taliban, and a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine that could at any moment ignite the Third World War. , a nuclear conflagration.
And that's the short list.
But where he has really excelled is in arming the federal government's counterterrorism and law enforcement apparatus to target political opponents of the regime, particularly Trump, who became the first former president to raid his home by government assassins, an immediate tactic. from the Gestapo operations manual.
Trump was also the target of a series of malicious prosecution cases by Biden's Justice Department, an unethical special counsel and racist black prosecutors in New York City and Atlanta aimed at bankrupting and shutting down him in prison for the rest of his life.
Biden is also the most corrupt man to ever sit in the oval office, the patriarch of a parasitic crime family and the father of an exhibitionist sex addict and alleged former crackhead, so sure he was above it of the law that taxed his drug. sex exploits with prostitutes on a laptop that were later covered up by Joe's friends in the intelligence community.
To Biden's credit, he hasn't turned the US into a global embarrassment and torture state like George W. Bush did, but then again, Dubya didn't lock up peaceful political protesters in a special gulag and most of those who they were tortured they were terrorists anyway.
Not to mention that Biden took office under the cloud of highly questionable election results in a heavily militarized DC that resembled the capital of a third-world pit after a junta overthrew the legitimate government.
Biden's true legacy is unbecoming of a president of the United States and belongs in the container of history with the lid welded shut.