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House ‘must follow the facts’ in Biden investigation


Photo: Alamy

Republicans investigating the Biden family for their alleged foreign business dealings “must follow the facts wherever they lead,” Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., stated this week.

As mountains of information have come forth at the behest of the House Oversight Committee’s investigation into the Bidens and their alleged foreign business partners, McCarthy has staunchly advocated for a clear-headed dedication to sticking with the truth.

“This isn’t about Hunter Biden,” McCarthy stated on Fox News. “This is about paying to play for the Biden family, because the money goes to nine different members through shell companies much like the informant said. So, we will continue to follow the information wherever it takes us.”

When Joe Biden was running for president, he told the American public:
❌ He never talked business with Hunter
❌ His family never received a dime from China

Both lies.

House investigations revealed these facts, and Republicans will keep exposing the truth.

— Kevin McCarthy (@SpeakerMcCarthy) August 6, 2023

As reported by RSBN, former friend and business associate to Hunter Biden, Devon Archer, recently gave bombshell testimony to the Oversight Committee that corroborated many suspicions that Republicans had regarding Joe Biden’s alleged involvement in Hunter’s business ventures.

Most notably, Archer testified that Joe Biden was the “brand” that Hunter allegedly sold foreign business partners in expensive “pay to play” schemes with entities like the Ukrainian energy company, Burisma Holdings Limited.

McCarthy explained that House Republicans weren’t investigating Biden for “political purposes,” but rather, “we follow the Constitution – that’s exactly what was played out during the Nixon administration in Congress. They voted to have an impeachment inquiry. And I raised it on this show not long ago, that because of the actions of the Biden administration, withholding information, that that would rise to the level of we’d need [to start an] impeachment inquiry.”

Speaker McCarthy has previously stated that Joe Biden’s previous claims that he “never” talked to his son Hunter about business and that he never received any money from China were “Both lies.”

He wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, “House investigations revealed these facts, and Republicans will keep exposing the truth.”

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