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Hollywood liberals and political elites flock to Kamala Harris fundraiser

“I'm excited, man. I think the fact that Joe has passed the baton so beautifully and Kamala is definitely our girl. I can see her being president, I'm really excited,” Bridges said.

“A woman president, man, what an illusion! And his advocacy of women's rights, I'm all for that. And because of his stance on the environment and taking care of our children, his whole leadership on this is wonderful and something I can support and support,” the actor continued.

Buttigieg went on to call out former President Donald Trump's campaign against Harris, while applauding Harris' campaign theme of “freedom” while calling out the freedoms men get if the vice president wins office.

“Men are also freer in a country where we have a president who stands up for things like access to abortion care. Men are freer when the leader of the free world and the leader of this country support access to birth control and IVF. And men like me and my husband are certainly freer when we have a president who supports our freedom to marry who we love,” Buttigieg said.

Others including Cooper and American singer Josh Groban later joined in before the moderator introduced “West Wing” actor Bradley Whitford, who highlighted the “variety of whiteness” on the campaign call.

“What a variety of whites we have here. We have the guy, we have Pete, it's like a rainbow of beige,” Whitford began.

“In the last eight years I have been saying that if there is a God, she is a terrible writer. If I walked into the West Wings writers room and said this is going to be our Republican nominee. A felon, a convicted rapist, let alone the tan and the hair. It would have been seen as condescending,” Whitford said before going on to talk about women’s rights.

Additional guests included California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, actor Josh Gad, Senior Advisor to the President of the United States for Infrastructure Coordination Mitch Landrieu, Illinois Governor JB Pritzker and union leader Jimmy Williams Jr. All the guests spoke of their enthusiasm for Harris as the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee and asked Zoom voters to take action by donating or helping with the campaign.

The campaign's latest fundraising appeal comes after “White Women For Harris” gathered on Zoom over the weekend, reaching nearly 200,000 people. seconds on FOX59. The call move came mostly after Harris' campaign held a “Black Women for Harris” and “Black Men for Harris” fundraising Zoom call, with more than 40,000 viewers, the outlet reported.

During the 2020 election, men were almost evenly split between Trump and President Joe Biden, seconds in Pew Research. Although Trump had won the male demographic in 2016 by 11 points, Trump saw a slight edge among women in the 2020 election compared to 2016, going from 39 percent to 44 percent, the data showed.

Biden, however, saw nearly identical pull from women compared to former 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, the Pew Research Center reported.

The “White Dudes” fundraiser reportedly raised more than 2 million as the call lasted more than 90 minutes, with more than 100,000 viewers, according to the moderator at the time of publication.


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