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Hillary Clinton lays the groundwork for Biden's debate defeat: It's 'impossible' to argue with Trump

Hillary Clinton has laid the groundwork ahead of this week's first presidential debate by complaining that it's a “waste of time” to try to argue with President Donald Trump.

In a guest essay for the New York Times on Tuesday, Clinton appeared to be preparing for a long-awaited defeat of Democratic President Joe Biden on the debate stage.

Hillary claims debating Trump is “impossible” because his arguments are “not like a normal debate.”

“I know the excruciating pressure of getting on that stage and that it's almost impossible to focus on substance when Mr. Trump is involved,” Clinton. he wrotehow she advised Biden on how to approach the big day.

“It is a waste of time to try to refute the arguments of Mr. Trump as in a normal debate.

“It's almost impossible to identify what their arguments are.”

Biden will debate Trump during Thursday's CNN presidential debate.

It will be the first face-to-face matchup between the two candidates since their 2020 debates.

Clinton recounted the infamous 2016 town hall debate where Trump sometimes approached her as she spoke.

“He interrupts and harasses, even chases me around the stage at one point, because he wants to look dominant and throw his opponent off balance,” Clinton said.

Clinton argued that Trump's strategies would fall if Biden is “direct and forceful.”

He went on to say that Biden has “facts and truth on his side.”

However, Clinton offered several excuses for Biden before he even set foot on the debate stage.

Hillary lamented that Biden was at a disadvantage preparing for the debate as the sitting president.

She suggested that she did not have enough time given her other duties.

Biden has been preparing for the debate for the past week with his advisers at Camp David and will remain there until Thursday.

According to the Biden campaign's list of demands, the CNN debate will not have a live audience.

Trump and Biden will also have their microphones muted outside of speaking time.

Also, candidates will not be allowed to speak with their campaign aides during commercial breaks.

Trump and Biden are also not allowed to carry items or notes.

The debate is historically early in the general election cycle.

It's happening before both men are officially nominated by their respective parties.

The moment of the act has led to speculation who are the democrats planning to fall Biden if he fails to defeat Trump during the debate.

Clinton, who was defeated by Trump in 2016, suggested viewers pay attention to how Biden and Trump talk about people.

He urged voters to focus on the fundamentals and what's at stake in this election and “think about the real choice.”

“It's between chaos and competition,” Clinton wrote, pointing to Trump's felony convictions.

Clinton also suggested that whatever happens during the debate won't matter, because of the contrast between the two candidates.

“This election is between a convicted felon out for revenge and a president who delivers for the American people,” he said.

“Whatever happens in the debate, this is an easy choice.”

CNN's presidential debate airs Thursday night at 9 p.m. ET.

Clinton has been frustrated by voters struggling to choose between Trump and Biden.

“We have two veteran candidates,” he told MSNBC in May.

“One is, yes, old and effective, he's passed legislation that I think will put America on such a solid foundation for the future, he's compassionate, he cares about people, he strives to make the right decision, and they're complicated.

“The other is old and dangerous.

“I mean, why is it a hard choice for people?”

READ MORE – Washington Post calls on Hillary Clinton to replace Kamala Harris: She can 'keep the country on track' if 'Biden has to resign'


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