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Hello muddah, hello faddah! I really hate your alma matah!

The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author.

A little over 60 years ago comedian and singer Allen Sherman wrote and performed a novelty song (“Hello Muddah, hello Faddah!”) about a young Jew who was sent to the camp. The parody depicts unpleasant, dangerous and tragic situations, such as the disappearance of fellow campers or contracting deadly diseases.

Unlike the late Sherman's comic ditty, there is little comparison between what happened at the fictional Grenada camp and the gravity of what is happening in America's colleges today, including the scorn of coy and complicit university authorities. , and the disgusting competition of the Biden administration with the vile anti-Semitic rioters.

If the song of Mr. Sherman were modified to reflect the reality of the chaos sweeping campuses today, the lyrics might read:

Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah
Here I am at your alma matah
Your university could be very enlightening
If only it weren't so scary

Saul and I were going to class
When the crazy protesters were jumping our asses
When we came to our senses
We considered jumping these ivy fences

Things are out of hand here
While thugs shout “Go to Poland”
And the Jewish students in my dorm sounded alert
After seeing the faculty all dressed in brown shirts

All my teachers here are Jew haters
I prefer that school in Florida, with its alligators
Or the one down there full of Seminoles
Not this one, full of holes

Now I don't want this to scare you
But the Jewish students here are suffering from hysteria
We are afraid of what may happen to us soon
As the band plays “Deutschland über alles”

Donors say this school has gone astray
And he told his president, we think he's on crack
To remove it and leave the hijabs
Or there will be no more checks to pay your chips

Dear Faddah, dear Muddah
Warn my precious bruddah
Don't come here if you love them
Or make it a 38 magnum

Wait a minute, I hear screams and moans
The cops are here and the lightning is recovering
Being handcuffed and imprisoned is fine
Because mudah, faddah, this place is hell

I go to Fladah, oh muddah, faddah
I'm going to Fladah, because I hate your alma matah
They just shout and shout about an Intifada
So I'm out of here, dear muddah and dear 'ole faddah

What is happening on American campuses, including many of the most elite, is support for evil and contempt for morality. Pro-Hamas and Israel-hating students are taking over campuses and disrupting classes and graduation exercises for everyone. They are supported and encouraged by a large number of teachers and funded by external professional agitators.

Presumed students who can't tell the difference between Lichenstein and Palestine or between Frankenstein and Gertrude Stein senselessly sense Iranian and Palestinian talking points calling for the extermination of Israel and the Jews. They carry professionally designed and mass-produced banners and signs and read the reference cards issued to them. In other words, they're idiots and numbing left-wing idiots, like, useful idiots. No wonder they wear masks.

Fortunately, there are exceptions. For example, while pro-Hamas progressive liberal anti-Semites are taking over college campuses across the country, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis directed the Sunshine State's universities and colleges to facilitate the transfer of Jewish students to Florida.

The state is a safe haven for Jewish students fleeing the madness of terrifying anti-Semitic campuses. Unlike Democratic-led states that declared themselves sanctuaries for illegal lawbreakers, Florida under DeSantis is a sanctuary for law-abiding residents of all religions, ethnicities and colors.

On Jan. 9, DeSantis issued an emergency order for the Florida State University System and the Florida State University System ordering them to waive certain transfer application requirements that would otherwise prevent Jewish students from transferred from their colleges or universities to one in Florida.

As Jewish students continue to be targeted on campuses from California to New York, there has been no violence or takeover at the “camp-free University of Florida.” Governor DeSantis made statements there Wednesday, May 8, condemning campus violence. The university held 21 commencements in the first weeks of May without incident, unlike those graduation ceremonies canceled or disrupted by Hamas allies and sympathizers at supposedly “elite” institutions.

As the presidents of some of what are considered the nation's most prestigious universities refuse to condemn calls on their campuses for genocide and look the other way as protesters support Islamist terrorists, Florida campuses, including students, are taking a stand against intolerance and supporting American tradition. values ​​and morality.

Ben Sasse, president of the University of Florida, fully agrees with the governor and condemns “the sickening violence and destruction on campuses across the country.” The former Nebraska Republican senator told protesters who violate his school's policies that they “will be kicked off campus and suspended.” “If they are students, that means a three-year ban from campus. He has previously shown that he is serious about maintaining order and curbing depravity and hatred.

In Florida, it doesn't stop at the colleges. The Florida legislature also passed several bills to improve penalties for those who commit hate crimes against Jews. During his tenure as governor, DeSantis has invited many people to move to Florida to escape oppression and discrimination.

After Democratic-led cities and states adopted anti-police policies, Florida's governor and legislature created a grant program to encourage police officers to relocate to Florida. Last month, nearly 5,000 new recruits registered, including 1,267 from 49 US states and territories, according to the governor's office.

Serious students are saying “goodbye” to UCLA, Harvard, Columbia, NYU and more, and saying “hello” to Florida State, Miami, Florida, etc. where awakening is a joke, ideological indoctrination and student ostracism and harassment are forbidden. , and common sense and traditional American values ​​are flourishing.


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Hello muddah, hello faddah!  I really hate your alma matah!
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