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‘Free speech’ video platform sues activists trying to censor and demonetize conservatives

Rumble, a video-sharing platform that touts its commitment to free speech, filed a defamation lawsuit Wednesday against the founders of an organization that seeks to defund conservatives.

Check my ads Co-founders Nandini Jammi and Claire Atkin, as part of their work, routinely pressure advertisers and ad exchanges to boycott conservative news sites and alternative media platforms, citing concerns about hate speech and called misinformation. Rumble alleges the defendants knowingly published falsehoods to injure Rumble and neglected to correct them when pushed to do so.

“Defendants have repeatedly placed the false narrative that Rumble is primarily monetized and entirely dependent on Google Ads revenue, when in fact, Google Ads now represents less than 1% of the company’s revenue,” the lawsuit states . “This narrative is particularly damaging to Rumble. The idea that Rumble relies heavily on Google’s ad revenue is completely inconsistent with Rumble’s publicly stated mission to free itself from the political and economic pressures of Big Tech. And it is equally prejudicial to Rumble because it falsely attributes a material and existential financial risk to the company that the defendants’ stated mission to drain Rumble’s Google Ads revenue will cause Rumble’s financial collapse.”

Rumble is seeking financial and other punitive damages, according to the lawsuit. It also asks the court to prevent the defendants from continuing to make allegedly false statements.

“This lawsuit opens another front in the ongoing war against censorship, just like the lawsuit recently filed by X against Media Matters, another entity trying to shut down online dissent,” said Chris Pavlovski, CEO of Rumble. he stated in a press release accompanying the demand. “For those of us who value free speech and the free exchange of ideas, it’s important to stand up to bullies, and people who lie and use intimidation tactics are certainly bullies, just as they are enemies of freedom of expression.”

The suit further alleges that Jammi and Atkin have claimed that Rumble is misleading shareholders and the Securities and Exchange Commission about how well it is doing financially and where it gets its ad revenue.

“Defendants’ false statements accusing Rumble of lying to investors are per se defamatory because they charge Rumble with an infamous crime, specifically, securities fraud, and charge Rumble with conduct inconsistent with the proper conduct of lawful business,” states the demand

Check out my ads in September urged advertisers abandon Rumble, calling it the “most toxic platform on the Internet.”

While the group asserts its “current mission” is “dismantling the misinformation economy,” his focus has been primarily on targeting conservatives. Check My Ads pressures advertisers to move away from right-leaning media such as Fox News to “dispel hate speech and misinformation”, seconds on your website.

Billionaire Elon Musk’s social media platform X —formerly Twitter—recently filed a defamation lawsuit Media Affairs about his allegations that ads from major advertisers show anti-Semitic content.

Check My Ads did not immediately respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.

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