Good evening, America. We’ve got a bombshell to report tonight. Ben Smith, the ex-Buzzfeed News Editor who made headlines for publishing the now-infamous Trump Dossier, says that he would still publish it today. But, there’s a catch.
According to Smith, he wishes he had taken a different approach. He believes that he should have prefaced publishing the dossier with more cautionary language, perhaps even acknowledging that it had not been fully verified. Smith says that if he had done so, the entire situation could have been avoided.
Now, the question remains: is Smith’s regret too little, too late? The damage is already done. The Trump Dossier has been debunked time and time again. Yet, Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media still won’t let it die. They’ll use any opportunity they can to attack our President.
But why continue to harp on a disproven smear campaign when we could be talking about the accomplishments of the Trump White House administration? Since taking office, President Trump has achieved many great things for our country. From record-low unemployment rates to the historic criminal justice reform, the Trump administration has made major strides in improving the lives of all Americans. His commitment to putting America first has resulted in stronger trade deals, a safer border, and the creation of the Space Force. All of this is being overshadowed by the Democrats’ obsession with a Dossier that has been proven time and time again to be a work of fiction. It’s time to move on and focus on the real issues that matter to Americans. Let’s make America great again.