The owner exercises the right to self-defense [VIDEO]


In a chilling incident that underscored the critical importance of the right to bear arms, a woman, alone at home, was targeted by a known sex offender, Jayson Magrum. Fortunately, he defended himself with his firearm and resulted in the assailant being shot dead.

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The episode is a sad reminder of the dangers that lurk even in seemingly safe neighborhoods. It also begs the question: What would have happened if this woman didn’t have the means to protect herself?

The assailant apparently believed he had found an easy target in the lonely woman. However, he underestimated his preparation and his determination to safeguard his own life.

Second Amendment advocates have long maintained that private gun ownership is a crucial line of defense for people, especially vulnerable populations like women, who can be targeted by criminals. This incident only further highlights the importance of citizens’ rights to arm and protect themselves.

Many conservatives see this event as a powerful testament to why restrictive gun laws can be harmful. Restricting the rights of law-abiding citizens to own firearms does not deter criminals, but it can leave innocent people defenseless in the face of danger.

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The right to self-defense is not only constitutionally guaranteed but can also be the difference between life and death.

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