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Russia says it has “nothing” to disclose about Ramzan Kadyrov’s health rumors | News of the war between Russia and Ukraine

Talk about the Chechen leader’s health is growing on social media after unconfirmed reports say he is in a coma.

Russia says it has no information on Ramzan Kadyrov’s health after reports suggested the Chechen leader was ill.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Monday: “We have no information on this.”

“In any case, the presidential administration can hardly issue health certificates, so we have nothing to say here.”

Peskov made the remarks after unconfirmed reports on social media said Kadyrov was in a coma.

After rumors began to spread, two videos of Kadyrov were posted on an unidentified site on Sunday.

In the first, he is seen smiling while walking. In the second, he recommends that people do sports. Hhe is heard speaking Chechen and Russian.

“I strongly recommend that everyone who can’t tell truth from lies on the internet go for a walk, get some fresh air, and sort out their thoughts,” the video’s captions read.

“Rain can be wonderfully invigorating.”

It was impossible to immediately establish when the videos were recorded.

Speculation about Kadyrov’s health grew after a report by Ukrainian news channel Obozrevatel on Friday quoted a security service spokesman as saying Kadyrov was in “serious condition”. His existing illnesses have worsened.”

Earlier Monday, Obozrevatel reported that Kadyrov had undergone an unsuccessful kidney transplant.

Despite a lack of evidence to support the spokesman’s claims, they came after months of rumors that Kadyrov was suffering from kidney problems.

Kadyrov has been a staunch supporter of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, and his soldiers have fought alongside regular Russian forces there.

The former rebel warlord turned Kremlin ally has long called himself President Vladimir Putin’s “foot soldier.”

Kadyrov was elected president of Chechnya in 2007. He has ruled the Muslim-majority Chechnya while being accused of ordering extrajudicial killings and torture of his opponents.


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