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Massachusetts state troopers fired over jab decline finally back to work after legal victory

A long-fought battle against the tyranny of COVID marked a small blue-state victory for state troopers who had their “religious convictions … trampled upon.”

Regardless of the altruistic goal of “Operation Warp Speed,” for many the result was vaccine injury or ostracism for refusing to give in to peer pressure or mandates. For eight Massachusetts state troopers, the governor’s executive order had landed them with suspensions for seeking a religious exemption.

On Friday, the Massachusetts State Police Association announced that an arbitrator had ruled in favor of those officers and that seven would have the opportunity to be reinstated “with retroactive payment of their initial suspension.” They have also been granted all their seniority rights and all benefits except provisional income and/or unemployment compensation”.

The soldiers’ challenge dates back to August 2021 when then-Gov. Charlie Baker (R) had issued an executive order requiring by October 2021 all Massachusetts executive branch employees to take a full course of Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccinations.

Not only did the mandate see soldiers suspended after requests for religious exemptions were denied, but dozens had decided to do so. to resign directly rather than being subject to experimental shocks.

Association president Patrick McNamara commented on the victory and the ongoing fight for other members who have yet to recover.

“Today, I had the honor and privilege of informing seven of our soldiers, who have been suspended without pay due to Executive Order 595, that they would be returning to work. This struggle began in October 2021 when the Association filed a complaint on their behalf. Since then, the Association has committed to integrating these members,” the president remarked.

“Through this long and arduous process of grievances and arbitration, the Association has remained steadfast in our fight to correct the injustices of the Baker Administration,” McNamara continued before labeling the order ” an attack on organized labor and the rights of our members.”

Before thanking the Association’s vice president, Luke Bonin, and the legal team at Barrault and Associates, the president charged, “These members whose religious convictions were trampled and who were left without pay or benefits, now they can choose to go back to work and they will be made whole through retroactive pay and earned seniority.”

He also made sure to note 13 members who had lost their jobs during the terms while their legal troubles continued. McNamara said they were “out of a job, unfairly fired by the Baker Administration, and left with the scars of a spiteful and unfounded designation of being dishonorably fired.”

The importance of continuing to fight the overreach of local, state, and federal government agencies that have continually tried to blame others for enforcing draconian policies was emphasized by recent attempts to revive panic porn.

How reportedMSNBC medical contributor Dr. Kavita Patel recently announced a 12 percent increase in COVID hospitalizations from the previous week, without qualifying how low those numbers were compared to record highs, as reason to dust off widely proven ineffective masks.

“So what I think people need to know is, I would just keep people on their toes, that when you’re in these crowded spaces, think about the cost of colds, and sometimes a lot of people don’t have any symptoms, a mask. it can be your best friend,” said Patel, “keep it in the weather, we had them in our pockets, in our coats and in our backpacks, it’s time to bring them back, especially when the school season starts. We don’t want kids to miss school because of things we could have prevented.”


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