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Illegal alien arrested for rape and murder of Rachel Morin, mother of five [VIDEO]

Illegal alien arrested for rape and murder of Rachel Morin, mother of five [VIDEO]

BEL AIR (WBFF) – In a major breakthrough, law enforcement authorities have arrested Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez in Tulsa for the heinous murder of Rachel Morin, a beloved Harford County mother of five. Morin's lifeless body was discovered near a hiking trail in August 2023.

Harford County Sheriff Jeffery Gahler released details of Martinez-Hernandez's arrest during a news conference Saturday. Martinez-Hernández, a 23-year-old citizen of El Salvador, was arrested Friday night and later booked Saturday morning, according to the sheriff. He now faces charges of first-degree murder and first-degree rape.

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Sheriff Gahler wasted no time in expressing his gratitude to the Tulsa Police Department and its cooperation with federal partners. “Five hours after meeting with (Morin's) family and just before midnight our time, police in Tulsa, Oklahoma, assisted by our federal partners, located and arrested Rachel's killer: Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez,” Sheriff Gahler commented.

The sheriff further revealed that Martinez-Hernandez had crossed the border into the United States in February 2023, adding, “I understand that this suspect, this monster, fled to the United States after the murder of a young person in El Salvador one month before January 2023”. To compound the horrors, once on American soil, Martínez-Hernández brutally attacked a nine-year-old girl and her mother in a horrific home invasion in Los Angeles in March 2023.

The key moment in the investigation came when authorities were able to connect Martinez-Hernandez to the Harford County murder scene through DNA samples. Surveillance footage of the suspect in California was instrumental in identifying Martínez-Hernández. “After we had the video, we knew what it looked like, but we didn't know who it was,” Sheriff Gahler said.

William DelBagno, the special agent in charge of the FBI's Baltimore field office, shed light on the process of tracing Martínez-Hernández's DNA to possible family members in El Salvador, eventually lead to the identification of the suspect. With the support of local law enforcement, Martinez-Hernandez was eventually located and arrested in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Sheriff Gahler expressed his sincere hope that Martinez-Hernandez's arrest will bring comfort to Morin's grieving family and provide the Harford County community with some peace. “It is my hope and the hope of everyone involved, working on this case, that the arrest of this suspect will bring some peace to his (de Morin's) family and to our Harford County community ” Sheriff Gahler emphasized.

Harford County State's Attorney Alison Healey vowed to personally lead the prosecution and ensure justice is served for Rachel Morin and her family. “Harford County and our neighboring communities can rest assured that my office will take all necessary steps to ensure that justice is served for Rachel Morin and her family,” Healey said.

As the suspect awaits extradition to Harford County, prosecutors prepare to begin their quest for justice for the victim's grieving family and the Harford County community at large.

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