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Giving thanks to dissenting voices

The third Thanksgiving pandemic would have looked very different without them

Many have wondered what would have happened if there had been no counter-narrative to the global response to the pandemic? Simultaneously around the world, authoritarian government agencies quickly seized power and enacted crushing lockdowns, prevented compassionate care, and promoted fear, suffering, hospitalization, and death, as described in our book “Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death while Battling the”. Biopharmaceutical complex”.

Not a single developed country had a national early treatment program to limit the number of preventable hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19. All of them adopted mass vaccination programs with new, unproven and rapidly introduced dangerous products. The most widely used vaccines are gene transfer biotechnology developed after a decade-long US Department of Defense DARPA initiative gone awry called ADEPT: PROTECT P3.

After a year of psychological conditioning, most adults in Western countries readily accepted the injections without any guarantee of long-term safety. In the wake of this horrible scene there was a backlash. The voices of people who saw and heard the pandemic differently brought hope. Their common characteristics included 1) lack of personal fear of SARS-CoV-2, 2) practical and modest expectations of contagion control measures, 3) understanding that early treatment had the best hope of reducing the chances of hospitalization and death, and 4) health. skepticism of media representations, 5) little expectation of being saved by vaccination. Government leaders, including Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, listened to iconic dissenting voices at the top of society, who took hydroxychloroquine to beat the disease easily and vowed never to take a COVID-19 vaccine. The rare and intellectually brave members of parliament called out the false narrative, including Christine Anderson (EU Germany), Robert “Rob” Roos (EU Netherlands), Malcolm Roberts and Craig Kelly (Australia), Ron Johnson and Rand Paul (US Senate) and the list could be quite extended to many more notable politicians. The world heard Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano speak of the ethical and religious objection to forced vaccination while many others within the Catholic and other churches were complicit in the silence. Similarly, the music world heard “Enough is Enough” by Eric Clapton, who was vaccinated against COVID-19 and unable to play guitar for a year while recovering from an outbreak a painful neuropathy. Resistance was felt from the small but mighty figure of Prashant Bushan in the Supreme Court of India when he slammed the government for the complete lack of transparent vaccine results for the Indian people. Novak Djokovic was deported from Australia and kicked out of the Australian Open to protect his body from damage from unnecessary vaccination. Basketball great Kyrie Irving and football star Aaron Rogers were harassed with all forms of vaccine discrimination, including professional and financial damages while holding the line.

More of this exceptional piece by Dr. McCullough at the direct link.

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