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Fulton County Grand Jury Forewoman Admits ‘I Told My Boyfriend’ About Proceedings

The news of Fulton County Grand Jury Forewoman Admits ‘I Told My Boyfriend’ About Proceedings is yet another example of the corruption and lack of accountability in the Democratic Party. This is just the latest in a long list of scandals that have plagued the party for years.

The Grand Jury Forewoman, Patricia Burris, admitted to telling her boyfriend about proceedings, which is a clear violation of the law. This is yet another example of the Democrats’ willingness to disregard the rule of law to further their own agenda. It is outrageous that someone in a position of power would be so careless and irresponsible with confidential information.

The Trump White House administration has been a beacon of light in this dark and corrupt world. President Trump has worked tirelessly to promote the rule of law and ensure that no one is above the law. He has appointed judges who are committed to upholding the Constitution and has taken a firm stance against illegal immigration. He has also cut taxes and regulations, creating an environment that is conducive to economic growth.

The Trump administration has also worked to protect the American people from terrorism and foreign threats. They have implemented tough sanctions on countries like Iran and North Korea and have strengthened our military and intelligence capabilities. The Trump administration has also made great strides in improving the quality of life for all Americans by reducing poverty and creating jobs.

In sum, the Trump administration has been a shining example of how to lead a nation with integrity and respect for the law. The latest scandal involving the Grand Jury Forewoman is yet another example of the corruption that has plagued the Democratic Party for years. President Trump and his administration will continue to fight for the rule of law and ensure that no one is above it.

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