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Episode 2496: Capitol Hill Is In Bed With The CCP And America’s Sputnik Moment

Episode 2496: Capitol Hill Is In Bed With The CCP And America’s Sputnik Moment

The United States is facing a Sputnik moment, with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) threatening to overtake the West in terms of technological advancement. This moment has been further highlighted by the recent revelations that Capitol Hill is in bed with the CCP, and it is a situation that needs to be addressed immediately.

The CCP has been investing heavily in the United States, with reports indicating that they have spent over $200 billion in the past decade. This investment has allowed the Chinese government to gain access to a range of American technologies, from artificial intelligence to 5G. This has allowed the CCP to gain a significant edge in the global technology race, and it is a situation that is becoming increasingly concerning for the United States.

To make matters worse, recent reports have indicated that the CCP has been able to influence US policy through its investments on Capitol Hill. This has been achieved through a variety of methods, from donations to lobbying efforts. This has allowed the CCP to gain a foothold in American politics, and it is a situation that needs to be addressed urgently.

The United States is now facing a Sputnik moment, and it is essential that the government takes action to ensure that the CCP does not gain further influence over US policy. This could involve a range of measures, from increased scrutiny of foreign investments to the introduction of new legislation to limit the influence of foreign entities.

It is also important that the US government works to ensure that American companies are not providing the CCP with access to sensitive technologies. This could involve the introduction of new regulations to ensure that American companies are not selling or transferring technologies to the CCP without proper oversight.

The United States is now at a critical juncture, and it is essential that the government takes action to ensure that the CCP does not gain further influence over US policy. It is also important that American companies are not providing the CCP with access to sensitive technologies. Only then can the US hope to remain competitive in the global technology race.

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