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Elon Musk reveals the motivation behind fighting the 'awakened mind virus' in a new interview with Jordan Peterson |

Elon Musk sat down with Professor Jordan Peterson for an interview that was published yesterday, and in a heartbreaking exchange he revealed the driving force behind his sudden crusade against the “Virus of the Awakened Mind”: “Killing” his son

Musk and Peterson both condemned gender surgeries as evil, and Musk shared how his experience with his son Xavier, now known as “Vivian Jenna Wilson,” made him aware of what he calls “the virus of the awakened mind,” a phenomenon with which he has now engaged. to destroy

“It happened to one of my oldest sons, Xavier. I was essentially tricked into signing papers for puberty blockers without understanding all the implications,” Musk said. suicide if not treated.”

“That was a lie from the beginning,” Peterson chimed in about the “suicide” claims, noting that underlying mental health reasons are responsible for the high rate of transgender suicide, not a lack of “acceptance social” or so-called “gender-affirming attention”. .”

“I lost my son, basically. The term 'deadnaming' exists for a reason … because your son is dead. My son Xavier is dead, killed by the awakened mind virus,” Musk said.


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