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Drink czar Biden wants your limit to 2 drinks a week

Drink czar Biden wants your limit to 2 drinks a week

In a recent development that could have a significant impact on beer enthusiasts and the alcohol industry alike, President Joe Biden’s so-called “alcohol czar” has hinted at possible new guidance that could limit the recommended alcohol intake to just two beers per week.

The announcement has raised eyebrows across the country, with many conservatives questioning the need and effectiveness of this limitation.

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As part of an ongoing campaign to promote responsible drinking, the Alcohol Control Board has been reviewing existing recommendations. The regime appears to be considering a substantial reduction in the amount of alcohol it advises Americans to safely consume.

The US Dietary Guidelines for Americans currently recommend up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men. But the new proposal, as hinted at by Biden’s appointee, could change that longstanding guidance to just two beers per week.

Critics argue that such a dramatic reduction reflects an excess of government authority and an intrusion into people’s personal lives. Many question whether the government should have any say in dictating personal decisions related to legal behavior.

Some have also expressed concern about the impact these new guidelines could have on the brewing industry, especially small craft breweries that have already been struggling of late due to government overreach during the supposed pandemic. Limiting recommended consumption could further affect sales and the livelihoods of those working in the industry.

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Proponents of the new guidelines, however, argue that the change is motivated by health concerns, but most remain silent on the poison we eat, which is FDA-approved and lines the aisles of our grocery stores .

However, critics argue that responsible drinking is a personal choice and people should be trusted to make their own informed decisions about alcohol consumption. The suggestion to limit alcohol intake to just two beers per week seems like a paternalistic attempt to control the habits of American adults.

As of now, the proposed guidelines remain under consideration and it is unclear when or if they will be officially implemented. But the mere suggestion of such a drastic change in policy has already provoked strong reactions on both sides of the political spectrum.

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