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Donald Trump Kicks Off Re-Election Campaign with Rally in Florida

On Tuesday night, President Donald Trump officially kicked off his re-election campaign with a rally in Orlando, Florida. Thousands of supporters gathered at the Amway Center to cheer on the president as he delivered a speech that was long on rhetoric and short on policy.

The rally marked the start of what is sure to be a long and contentious election cycle. Trump spoke for over an hour, touching on a variety of topics including the economy, immigration, and foreign policy. He also took the opportunity to criticize his political opponents, claiming that the Democratic Party has “gone so far left, they’re not even recognizable anymore.”

The president also took the opportunity to tout his accomplishments during his first term in office, including the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, and the appointment of two Supreme Court justices. He also promised to continue to fight for the American people, claiming that “we are just getting started.”

Trump’s speech was met with thunderous applause from the crowd, as they chanted “four more years” and “USA.” The president’s supporters were enthusiastic and passionate, and it was clear that they were eager to see him re-elected in 2024.

The rally was a success for the president, and it set the tone for what is sure to be an exciting and contentious election season. Trump’s message was clear: he is ready to fight for the American people, and he is confident that he will be re-elected in 2024.

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