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@contramordor's thread on the Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

California's multigenerational cultural crisis is finally at our small town's front door. My wife has to avoid certain places now with the kids due to a growing DEI customer base. The house goes up for sale this week.

Local gas station bought by Dots. Nobody knows them. They don't wear Fourth of July decorations. He didn't do anything for Memorial Day. He plays subversive rap music. Zero interest in the conversation.

A lot of people messaged me after that. From all over the United States. They have observed to me how their country is nothing like the one they grew up in. Heritage Americans are waking up to the fact that they have been duped by an internationalist ideology. They want their country back. They want to go back to their home. This is not a marginal thing. Millions are emotionally mobilized. Political action is coming.



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